Modelling CG in ACT-R and Soar (fwd)

Niels A. Taatgen niels at
Thu Oct 19 15:27:06 EDT 1995

The following message appeared on the Soar mailing list, and is
probably of interest to ACT-R people as well.

 Soarers (and maybe ACTers too):
 (Richard Young)
 In the summer of 1993, John Rieman wrote a model in ACT-R that simulates
 someone doing part of "the Cricket Graph task".  We imagine someone who is an
 experienced Macintosh user, but has never used a graphing program before.
 They are asked to produce a graph from a given data file using the Cricket
 Graph (CG) program, without help.  (John has videotapes of real subjects
 attempting exactly this task.)  The ACT-R model simulates subjects using
 their knowledge of how to start the Word program to figure out, by analogy,
 how to start CG, and then making menu selections and choices from a dialogue
 box in order to produce the first cut at the graph.
 During the last 12 months John has been working with me and Andrew Howes to
 build a Soar model covering much the same ground.  Whereas the emphasis with
 ACT-R was mainly on getting it to do the task, with the Soar model the
 focus was on getting it to exhibit the empirically observed phenomenon of
 "iteratively deepening attention" -- the observation that users repeatedly
 visit and re-visit menus, spending longer considering the options on the
 later passes.  The Soar model is consequently at a finer grainsize than the
 ACT-R model, with an explicit representation of shifts of visual attention.
 On the other hand it doesn't get as far through the task: it makes the menu
 selections, but it doesn't deal with the dialogue box.
 Below are John's thoughts and a little data about working with the two
 architectures, followed by a few further comments from me.
 Modelling CG in ACT-R and Soar
 John Rieman, 16 October 95
 The tables below compare the ACT-R model of the Cricket Graph task that I
 did for my dissertation with the Soar IDXL model I've completed this year.
 The purpose of the comparison is to evaluate effort versus results in the two
 Please note that this is a VERY ROUGH comparison, which I slapped together in
 the last few hours before I left Cambridge.  There could be some errors in
 the numbers, but they are pretty close to correct.
 The first table shows that the two models have similar core capabilities,
 with different extensions.  The ACT-R model can handle the line-graph dialog
 box, but the Soar model can learn from instruction.  The Soar model's visual
 scanning features put it at a lower grain size.  Bottom line is that the
 models are about the same "size" in terms of task coverage.
 In the second table I look at the amount of code needed to implement the
 models.  The most meaningful measure is "words," since that abstracts away
 the variety in variable-name length.  On that measure, the complete Soar IDXL
 package, including simulation, is four times the size of the ACT-R model.  If
 we take the simulation code out of both models (including the lisp
 productions that directly set WM in ACT-R), and also remove all comment
 lines, then the ratio drops to roughly two-to-one.
 It's hard to do a time-to-develop comparison, but here are some boundary
 conditions.  I started working with ACT-R in May '93 and completed most of
 the model by early August.  I spent a couple of weeks tying up loose ends in
 December.  That's four months maximum to learn ACT-R and do the model, with
 other activities going on at the same time.  The Soar work took a year, also
 interspersed with other activities.  In both systems, I did some exploratory
 modelling of other domains that wasn't included in the final code.  On the
 Soar project, I spent more time exploring other people's work, and also more
 time learning (and sometimes fighting!) the ever-changing Soar environment --
 sde, tcl, nnpscm, Soar 6.x/y/z, etc.
 A big potential advantage of working with Soar is that a lot of work has
 already been done in that architecture.  During my year in Cambridge I
 learned much more about Soar and previous work than I ever knew about ACT-R.
 But not many of those ideas actually show up in the Soar CG model.  It has a
 lot of ideas from Richard Young and Andrew Howes (recognition/recall
 learning, Cambridge i/o, unstacked subgoals).  Our reuse of chunks is similar
 to Scott Huffman's, but I think we reached the point independently.   The
 overall structure of scan/match/comprehend is similar to my prior work in
 ACT-R -- I assume there are similarly interactive models in Soar  (Tac-Air?)
 but I didn't have time to look into them.  And an important issue that
 worried me in the ACT-R framework, concept learning/extension/modification,
 still isn't addressed.  We looked at the SCA work, but it was too hard to
 incorporate it into a standard Soar framework.
 Overall, it was difficult to build on prior work in the Soar community.  The
 ideas are interesting, but many of them are very specific to Soar (i.e., how
 to do data chunking, or how to correct bad chunks), which makes them hard to
 report in papers for a non-Soar audience.  And actually picking up someone
 else's system and reusing it (or even reimplementing it) is usually too much
 effort.  Many times I'd decide to investigate an issue, I'd spend a week or
 two reading old Soar papers and writing test code, and then decide I didn't
 have time to redo someone's dissertation.  So I'd hack together some simpler
 alternative, and say, "well, we COULD do it the other way, if we had more
 time." Of course, that has nasty impacts on learning, and it leaves analysis
 of interactions between the earlier work and our own to armchair analysis.
 But life is short.
 I also found it problematic that much of the earlier work is available
 only in technical reports and dissertations.  The high-level message of
 these "insider" publications is often difficult for an outsider/novice to
 understand (a published paper would be forced to clarify some of that).
 And the details, which should be useful for reimplementation, are almost
 always specific to earlier versions of Soar.  Balanced against those problems,
 of course, is the on-line accessibility of the Soar archives, and the
 willingness of the Soar community to help.  Still, I wish I'd had a
 "Data Structures and Algorithms" text for Soar, pulling a lot of these
 ideas together into a more didactic form.  A library of reusable routines --
 NL, SCA, etc. -- would be another great resource.
 Obviously there are a lot of factors to consider in deciding on an
 environment/architecture for cognitive modelling.  On one dimension, the
 economics of my experience gives the nod to ACT-R: roughly half as much code
 in less than half the time, for roughly the same functionality.
 A more important measure would be something like "insights per lines of
 code."  I can't say exactly what that was in Soar or ACT-R, but for my work
 in HCI, I think we could get more out of a still higher level environment.  I
 wouldn't mind doing "our" part of the model in an architecture at the level
 of either Soar or ACT-R, if I could plug that into a system that already had
 NL, and a visual system, and a motor system, and concept learning, and a
 tie-in to a simulator, etc.  But we have to do/redo all of those subsystems,
 and that's just too much effort for the payback.
 Just my opinion ... .
         Feature Comparison: ACT-R and Soar CG Models
                                      ACT-R   Soar         Comments
 Task capabilities
 Starts CG                              +      +
 Selects line from the Graph menu       +      +
 Completes two lists in dialog box      +
 Clicks OK in dialog box                +      +
 Cognitive capabilities
 Uses multipart task description        +      +
 Shifts task focus as work progresses   +              needed for 2-list d-box
 Scans environment                             +
 Label follows (identity match)         +      +
 Label follows synonyms                        +
 Envisions result                       +
 Maintains task-status record           +      +
 Learns recognition chunks                     +
 Learns by instruction                         +
 Learns by analogy                      +      +       built-in ACT; code in Soar
 Learns from error                      +              ACT-R disables bad prods
 Iteratively deepening attention               +
 Environment connects directly to WM    +
 Environment connects to limited I/O           +
      Code in ACT-R and Soar CG Models (words)
                            ACT-R       Soar
 Code (with comments)       7215        24198
 Code (w/o comments)*       3764        15028
 Simulation code            1222        10663
 Code w/o simulation        2542         4365
 * "w/o comments" means that I grepped out all lines with a ";".  I seldom
   put comments on the same line as code, so that's 99% correct.
 (Richard Young)
 Most of the gaps in the table of capabilities are not particularly
 significant.  They simply reflect the different priorities of the two
 modelling efforts and what there wasn't time to complete.  An interesting
 exception may be the "learns recognition chunks" entry.  ACT models usually
 don't engage in the acquisition of numerous "small" recognition and
 comprehension chunks in the way that current Soar models do.  The interesting
 speculation is that, where the Soar CG model uses productions to
 approximate rational exploratory behaviour, balancing the costs and benefits
 of different courses of action, in an ACT-R model we might expect to see
 iteratively deepening attention arise from the operation of the basic
 machinery for rational analysis, rather than being implemented by productions
 as in Soar.
 I agree about 98% with what John says.  I think the remark about being able
 to plug the part of a model we are interested in "into a system that already
 had NL, and a visual system, and a motor system, and concept learning" and so
 on, is a little fanciful.  It supposes that other people working on other
 parts of the overall cognitive system are in a more advanced and stable
 position than we ourselves are.  It also assumes that the way that different
 cognitive facilities fit together is indeed by being "plugged in".  I suspect
 that the way we will finally get the different parts of the cognitive model
 to work together is from the inside, as it were, rather than the outside: by
 iteratively re-working the partial models of NL, vision, concept learning,
 exploratory learning, and so on, until their constraints, representations,
 and basic processes are compatible and inter-operative.  In other words,
 exactly the process of reimplementing and fitting together other people's
 ideas that John complains about having to do.  And I don't think this is at
 all particular to Soar.
 Just my opinion ... .

Niels Taatgen
Technische Cognitiewetenschap / Cognitive Science and Engineering
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen, The Netherlands
Email: n.a.taatgen at

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