[Soups-announce] SOUPS 2013 - Call for Posters, Lightning Talks & Demos

Lorrie Faith Cranor lorrie at cs.cmu.edu
Thu Apr 18 08:16:38 EDT 2013

Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security 2013


The 2013 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) will bring
together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners
in human computer interaction, security, and privacy. The program will
feature technical papers, a poster session, panels and invited talks,
lightning talks and demos, and workshops and tutorials. This year
SOUPS will be held at Northumbria University in Newcastle, UK.

We seek poster abstracts describing recent or ongoing research or experience in all areas of usable privacy and security. Submissions should use the SOUPS poster template [MS Word] [LaTeX] and be at most two pages including bibliography. Submissions should not be blinded. Accepted poster abstracts will be distributed to symposium participants and made available on the symposium web site. Please follow the final submission formatting instructions when preparing your poster abstract to avoid the need to revise poster abstracts after acceptance decisions are made. In addition, SOUPS will include a poster session in which authors will exhibit their posters. Note, poster abstracts should be formatted like short papers, not like posters. Authors of accepted posters will be sent information about how to prepare and format posters for the conference.

Submit your poster using the electronic submissions page.

We also welcome authors of recent papers (2012 to 2013) on usable privacy and security to present your work at the SOUPS poster session. Please submit in a PDF file: (1) the title and abstract of your conference paper, (2) full bibliographical citation, and (3) a link to the published (official) version, instead of the regular poster abstract.

Submissions will close at 5pm, US Pacific time, May 30.

A continuing feature of SOUPS is a session of 5-minute talks. These could include emerging hot topics, preliminary research results, practical problems encountered by end users or industry practitioners, a lesson learned, a research challenge that could benefit from feedback, a war story, ongoing research, a success, a failure, a future experiment, tips and tricks, a pitfall to avoid, etc. If you would like to participate in the lightning talk session, please email sessions at cups.cs.cmu.edu by June 14, with your name, affiliation, the title, and a brief abstract (up to 200 words) of your lightning talk. Confirmations of a lightning talk slot will be given by June 21. Additional proposals will be accepted after the deadline if there is still room on the program. You will need to deliver your slides for the 5-minute talk to the Interactive Sessions Chair via the same email address by July 9.

SOUPS is planning to include a demo session, in which participants will have the opportunity to interactively introduce to the full SOUPS audience their new, cool, and exciting visualization, user interface, or interaction paradigm related to security and privacy. Demo presentations will be 5 to 10 minutes in length, and should convey the main idea of the interface and one or more scenarios or use cases. To be considered for a presentation, a proposal describing the demonstration should be emailed to sessions at cups.cs.cmu.edu by June 14. Demo proposals should be no longer than two pages, and should use the formatting guidelines described above for poster abstracts. Confirmations of demo slots will be given by June 21.

Mike Just, PhD
Senior Lecturer and Associate Director
Interactive and Trustworthy Technologies Research Group
Department of Computer, Communications and Interactive Systems
Glasgow Caledonian University
Web: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/ebe/staff/drmikejust/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/itt_group_gcu

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