[CL+NLP Lunch] CL+NLP lunch at 13am on Nov 17th at 8102

Kazuya Kawakami kkawakam at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Nov 12 17:28:05 EST 2015

Please join us for the next CL+NLP lunch at *13am on **Nov* *17th** at *
where Ndapa Nakashole will be speaking about Knowledge Graph.
Lunch will be provided!

ML+NLP lunch

*Tuesday Nov 17th at 13:00 - 14:00**GHC 8102*

The Knowledge Graph Extraction Virtuous Circle

Knowledge graphs such a NELL, Freebase, and YAGO have accumulated large
amounts of beliefs about real world entities using machine reading methods.
Current machine readers have been successful at populating such knowledge
graphs by means of pattern detection — a shallow way of machine reading
which leverages the redundancy of large corpora to capture language
patterns. However, machine readers still lack the ability to fully
understand  language.
In the pursuit of the much harder goal of language comprehension, knowledge
graphs present an opportunity for a virtuous circle:  the accumulated
can be used to improve machine readers; in turn, advanced reading methods
can be used to populate knowledge graphs with beliefs expressed using
complex and potentially ambiguous language. In this talk, I  will elaborate
on this virtuous circle, starting with methods for building knowledge
graphs, followed by results on using them  for machine reading.

Ndapa Nakashole is a postdoctoral fellow in the Machine Learning Department
at Carnegie Mellon University.
She holds a B.Sc and an M.Sc from the University of Cape Town, South Africa
and a PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland
University, Germany.

Up comming talk will be on Monday, Nov.23, by Chu-Ren Huang.

Best regards,
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