Returned mail postmaster at LOGANBERRY.srv.cs.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 30 14:37:20 EDT 2009

Dear user of mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu, Mail server administrator of mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu would like to inform you

Your account was used to send a large amount of unsolicited commercial e-mail messages during this week.
Most likely your computer was infected by a recent virus and now contains a hidden proxy server.

We recommend that you follow our instruction in order to keep your computer safe.

Best wishes,
mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu technical support team.

-------------- next part --------------
The original content of this message part has been replaced
by this text because it tested positive for the following

    W32/MyDoom-O, W32/MyDoom-O, W32/MyDoom-O

The original message has been quarantined pending further
action by the mail administrator.  For further information
about the message and its delivery status, please contact
the undersigned, and include the full content of this
message.  The identifier for this message is

This notification is being sent to you and any other
original envelope recipient(s).   To avoid creating a
nuisance and to keep mail traffic under control, the
original sender  of the message has NOT been notified.
However, you may want to notify the sender at your

The Management
PureMessage Admin <postmaster at cs.cmu.edu>

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