IR Series - Justin Betteridge - Friday, May 23, 2008, 12:00pm, NSH 3002

Jonathan Elsas jelsas+ at
Mon May 19 09:30:12 EDT 2008

Hello --

Please join us for another IR Series talk!

Lunch will be provided by Yahoo!

Who: Justin Betteridge
When: Friday, May 23, 2008, 12:00 pm
Where: NSH 3002

Title: Linguistic Pattern Learning for Web Information Extraction

Most approaches to automatically extracting structured information  
from the web
rely on surface text patterns.  However, the manner in which such  
patterns are
defined, learned, and employed in the larger system varies with each  
case.  In
this talk, I will outline the spectrum of previous work in this area  
and argue
for a linguistically-motivated definition, a hybrid heuristic/ 
assessment, and a multi-purpose employment of textual patterns in the  
context of
Web Information Extraction (WIE).  I will also give preliminary  
results from
adopting such an approach in our WIE system.

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