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<div class="gmail_default ContentPasted1" style="font-size:small">The computational neuroscience group, headed by Prof. Ernst Niebur, in the Department of Neuroscience of Johns Hopkins University is recruiting one or more postdoctoral fellows. This is a collaborative
project with the Johns Hopkins Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and the Allen Institute for Brain Research in Seattle, WA.<br class="ContentPasted1">
<br class="ContentPasted1">
Project: Deep learning has achieved impressive performance in many tasks which is driven by the capacity for backpropagation to “assign<br class="ContentPasted1">
credit” to a vast array of parameters. This achievement is obtained at the cost of large energy consumption and many needed examples for<br class="ContentPasted1">
learning. Furthermore, machine learning performance still pales in comparison with the energy efficiency and capacity to generalize when compared to biological systems. In this project, we will use mechanisms of selective attention, akin to those used in biological
cognition, to<br class="ContentPasted1">
constrain and direct the task of credit assignment during learning.<br class="ContentPasted1">
<br class="ContentPasted1">
Start date: As soon as possible.<br class="ContentPasted1">
<br class="ContentPasted1">
Affiliation: The computational neuroscience group (<a href="http://cnslab.mb.jhu.edu/" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://cnslab.mb.jhu.edu/&source=gmail&ust=1678917799669000&usg=AOvVaw2dCl99DH-llsyZPEdbd4vG" style="color:rgb(17, 85, 204)" class="ContentPasted1" data-loopstyle="link">http://cnslab.mb.jhu.edu</a>)
is part of the Krieger Mind/Brain Institute at Johns Hopkins University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.<br class="ContentPasted1">
<br class="ContentPasted1">
Requirements:<br class="ContentPasted1">
<br class="ContentPasted1">
* PhD in computational neuroscience, computer science, or a closely related<br class="ContentPasted1">
field preferred. Candidates with a PhD in physics,<br class="ContentPasted1">
mathematics, engineering, psychology, ... with a proven track<br class="ContentPasted1">
record of creative thinking will be considered<br class="ContentPasted1">
* Solid quantitative/mathematics training<br class="ContentPasted1">
* Solid programming skills<br class="ContentPasted1">
* Experience in deep learning strongly preferred<br class="ContentPasted1">
* US citizens/permanent residents preferred<br class="ContentPasted1">
* Women and members of underrepresented minorities strongly<br class="ContentPasted1">
preferred<br class="ContentPasted1">
<br class="ContentPasted1">
Please send applications via email to <a target="_blank" style="color:rgb(17, 85, 204)" class="ContentPasted1">niebur@jhu.edu</a>, including<br class="ContentPasted1">
<br class="ContentPasted1">
* Complete CV including contact information, transcripts and a list of<br class="ContentPasted1">
publications<br class="ContentPasted1">
* Names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three references
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