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Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement<br>
36th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems<br>
L’Aquila, Italy, 22-24 June 2023<br>
<a href="https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2f2023.cbms-conference.org%2f&c=E,1,DuMArbyDszqwoTvDepsqVaxZzwrhdm-B_lfla9q_ZLBytPhqXcOxSKDsB4-CwrMy0ps73RAAELiZVin54XQzla1Bp0MEk8L7UmtiYQZ92GyAkiEc&typo=1" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2f2023.cbms-conference.org%2f&c=E,1,DuMArbyDszqwoTvDepsqVaxZzwrhdm-B_lfla9q_ZLBytPhqXcOxSKDsB4-CwrMy0ps73RAAELiZVin54XQzla1Bp0MEk8L7UmtiYQZ92GyAkiEc&typo=1</a> <br>
Attracting a worldwide audience, CBMS is the premier conference for computer-based medical systems, and one of the main conferences within the fields of medical informatics and biomedical informatics. CBMS allows the exchange of ideas and technologies between academic and industrial scientists. The scientific program of IEEE CBMS 2023 will consist of regular and special track sessions with technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international program committee as well as keynote talks, and tutorials given by leading experts in their fields. The IEEE CBMS 2023 edition also aims to host high-quality papers about industry and real case applications as well as allow to researchers leading international projects to show to the scientific community the main aims, goals, and results of their projects.<br>
We solicit submissions on previously unpublished research work. Example areas include but are not limited to:<br>
- Biomedical Signal and Image Processing<br>
- Clinical and Healthcare Services Research<br>
- Data Analysis and Visualization<br>
- Data Mining and Machine Learning<br>
- Decision Support and Recommendation Systems<br>
- Healthcare Communication Networks<br>
- Healthcare Data and Knowledge Management<br>
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Healthcare<br>
- Information Technologies in Healthcare<br>
- Digital Biomarkers<br>
- Intelligent Medical Devices and Smart Technologies<br>
- Radiomics and Radiogenomics<br>
- Semantics and Knowledge Representation<br>
- Serious Gaming in Healthcare<br>
- Systems Integration and Security<br>
- Technology-enabled Education<br>
- Telemedicine Systems<br>
- Translational Bioinformatics<br>
- Sensor solutions for Connected Health<br>
- mHealth Solutions and Insights<br>
- Learning from Medical Devices<br>
- Cyberphysical Systems in Medicine<br>
Prof. Giuseppe Placidi, PhD, Università dell’Aquila (Italy)<br>
Rosa Sicilia, PhD, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (Italy)<br>
Prof. Alejandro Rodríguez González, PhD, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)<br>
Submitted papers have to be original, containing new and original results.<br>
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper at the CBMS 2023 Symposium.<br>
All papers will be peer reviewed by at least two independent referees.<br>
- Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics listed above.<br>
- Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex formats) are available at: <a href="https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2f2023.cbms-conference.org%2fgeneral-instructions%2f&c=E,1,4TywvlOib3KCr0K4gR0c5wVCCdc7Wk91ZUD1UtXDr5BtOi75sRVQA8k-h8VqFPJJfzFjDeqnz-3D_fTOfmCKcOWCvp2hPGYPDtM7VOhkXzs7&typo=1" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2f2023.cbms-conference.org%2fgeneral-instructions%2f&c=E,1,4TywvlOib3KCr0K4gR0c5wVCCdc7Wk91ZUD1UtXDr5BtOi75sRVQA8k-h8VqFPJJfzFjDeqnz-3D_fTOfmCKcOWCvp2hPGYPDtM7VOhkXzs7&typo=1</a><br>
- Please also check the Guidelines.<br>
- Papers must be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system.<br>
<a href="mailto:cbms2023@cbms-conference.org" target="_blank">cbms2023@cbms-conference.org</a><br>
Deadline for special track proposal: November 10, 2022<br>
Special track notification acceptance: November 20, 2022<br>
Paper submission deadline: February 15, 2023<br>
Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2023<br>
Camera-ready due: April 18, 2023<br>
Attracting a worldwide audience, CBMS is the premier conference for computer-based medical systems, and one of the main conferences within the fields of medical informatics and biomedical informatics. IEEE CBMS 2023 invites proposals for organization of special tracks that will be held in parallel with the general conference track.<br>
The themes of the special tracks should not overlap with the general conference topics and should focus on emerging research fields. All tracks are expected to enable stimulating discussions of state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary, and perhaps controversial topics. Their papers should report on significant unpublished work and must meet the same standards as main conference papers. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings.<br>
We expect all accepted tracks to adhere to the conference paper submission and reviewing schedule, as outlined in the dates indicated below. Special Tracks chair(s) will be interacting with organisers of accepted workshops to ensure a high quality workshop program.<br>
Cristina Soguero Ruíz, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Mardid (Spain)<br>
Carlo Sansone, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy)<br>
Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, Universidade do Porto (Portugal)<br>
Each proposal must include:<br>
1. Special track title<br>
2. Rough estimate of the expected ST size as number of sessions (with 4-5 papers per session)<br>
3. A brief biography of ST organizer(s)<br>
4. List of Special Track program committee members<br>
5. A draft of Special Track “Call for papers” (important dates must be the same of the main conference, reported below)<br>
6. One or two appropriate journals or follow up publications: tracks are expected to organize a special issue<br>
7. The proposal must be sent to <a href="mailto:cbms2023@cbms-conference.org" target="_blank">cbms2023@cbms-conference.org</a><br>
<a href="mailto:cbms2023@cbms-conference.org" target="_blank">cbms2023@cbms-conference.org</a><br>
Deadline for special track proposal: November 10, 2022<br>
Special track notification acceptance: November 20, 2022<br>
Paper submission deadline: February 15, 2023<br>
Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2023<br>
Camera-ready due: April 18, 2023<br>