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Call for Papers: "Deep Learning for Graphs"<br>
Special Session of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural<br>
Networks – ESANN 2022<br>
5 - 7th October 2022, Bruges, Belgium (and online)<br>
Conference Page: <a href="https://www.esann.org/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.esann.org/</a><br>
Papers submission deadline: May 16, 2022 (AoE).<br>
Papers Submission System: <a href="https://www.esann.org/node/6" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.esann.org/node/6</a><br>
Traditional deep learning approaches have been developed assuming data<br>
to be encoded into feature vectors, however many important real-world<br>
applications generate data that are naturally represented by more<br>
complex structures, such as graphs. Graphs are particularly suited to<br>
represent relations between the components constituting an entity,<br>
allowing us to effectively describe systems of interacting elements,<br>
like social, biological, and technological networks, as well as data<br>
where topological variations influence the feature of interest, e.g.,<br>
the interaction of proteins or molecular compounds.<br>
This has motivated a recent increasing interest of the machine<br>
learning community in the development of learning models for<br>
structured information.<br>
The field of graph deep learning, in particular, combines the ability<br>
of deep neural networks to learn representations end-to-end with this<br>
explicit description of relations in the data. Specifically, the class<br>
of models at the heart of graph deep learning, generically called<br>
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), extend and generalize typical<br>
convolutional neural networks to process arbitrary graphs.<br>
Topics of interest to this session include, but are not limited to:<br>
- Graph Neural Networks: theory and applications<br>
- Graph representational learning<br>
- Graph generation (probabilistic models, variational autoencoders,<br>
adversarial learning, etc.)<br>
- Graph learning and relational inference<br>
- Graph kernels and distances<br>
- Scalability, data efficiency, and training techniques of graph<br>
neural networks<br>
- Deep learning for dynamic graphs and graph sequences<br>
- Reservoir computing and randomized neural networks for graphs<br>
- Recurrent, recursive and contextual models<br>
- Graph datasets and benchmarks<br>
- Applications in natural language processing, computer vision (e.g.<br>
point clouds), materials science, cheminformatics, computational<br>
biology, social networks, etc.<br>
Important Dates:<br>
Papers submission deadline: May 16, 2022 (AoE).<br>
Decision Notification to Authors: by July 19, 2022<br>
Luca Pasa, University of Padova (IT)<br>
Nicolò Navarin, University of Padova (IT)<br>
Daniele Zambon, Università della Svizzera Italiana (CH)<br>
Davide Bacciu, University of Pisa (IT)<br>
Federico Errica, NEC Laboratories Europe (DE)