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<div>Call for Papers <br>
Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Workshop <br>
IEEE WCCI 2022 - July 18-23 2022 Padua - Italy <br>
http://pai.di.unipi.it/paiw2022/ <br>
The WCCI 2022 Workshop on Pervasive AI aims to establish a new multidisciplinary community tackling challenges across edge AI, continual learning, embedded, distributed and federated learning, neuromorphic computing, AI-HPC, sustainable AI. <br>
AI is becoming a pervasive technology in ICT systems development, as well as for its presence in products and services of daily use. In particular, a pervasive use of neural-based methodologies and technologies comes at the cost of increased functional and
non-functional requirements related to fundamental properties, such as energy efficiency, ability to continuously adapt to changing conditions and tasks, dependability, security and human-machine interactivity. <br>
The workshop encourages submissions from academia, industrial projects, and international research projects. <br>
Relevant topics include but are not limited to: <br>
- Adaptive placement of applications on the Cloud-Iot continuum <br>
- Algorithms, software and hardware platforms for high-performance and scalable processing of AI and ML models <br>
- Continuous reasoning on Cloud-IoT applications <br>
- Cybersecurity in ML <br>
- Design and development of algorithms, models and software for AI and ML <br>
- Distributed and embedded AI and learning <br>
- Distributed, embedded and in-silico neural computation <br>
- Deep graph networks in pervasive AI applications <br>
- Federated learning <br>
- Intelligent IoT and cyber-physical systems <br>
- Learning on streaming data and continual learning <br>
- Multi-agents systems in pervasive computing <br>
- Methods, algorithms and systems for human-aware, secure and safe AI in pervasive computing scenarios <br>
- ML-on-Cloud, ML-for-the-Cloud, ML as a service <br>
- ML-Ops <br>
- Neuromorphic computing <br>
- Learning at-the-edge <br>
- Safe AI <br>
- Sustainable AI <br>
- Trustworthy AI <br>
Submission Guidelines <br>
The workshop offers the possibility to opt for either non-archival contributions or published proceedings papers. Only regular papers, as defined below, can be included in the proceedings. The latter will be published under the CEUR-WS AIxIA series, which is
open access and fully indexed by Scopus, DBLP and Scholar.<br>
The workshop accepts the following types of contributions: <br>
- Regular papers (min 10 pages, max 12 pages refs included): papers presenting mature research contributions <br>
- Short papers (min 5 pages, max 8 pages): papers presenting preliminary ideas, work in progress, position statements <br>
All contributions, irrespective of the type, will undergo a single blind peer review process with 2-3 anonymous referees. <br>
Articles should be formatted according to the CEUR-WS style: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip <br>
Submissions are handled via Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paiw22 <br>
Important Dates <br>
Submission Deadline: May 12th 2022, AoE <br>
Notification to authors: May 31st 2022 <br>
Camera-ready upload: June 15th 2022, AoE <br>
Workshop dates: 18-19 July 2022 (exact day to be confirmed) <br>
Organizing Committee <br>
Davide Bacciu, Università di Pisa <br>
Antonio Carta, Università di Pisa <br>
Patrizio Dazzi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche <br>
Magdalini Eirinaki, San Jose State University <br>
Iraklis Varlamis, Harokopio University of Athens</div>