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<div>Covid CXR Hackathon - Artificial Intelligence for Covid-19 prognosis: aiming at accuracy and explainability<br>
Join data scientists from all over the world in this international virtual challenge on Covid-19 data.
This online Hackathon is open to students, Phds and teams of researchers that will be guided towards solving a real and compelling problem in medical imaging.<br>
During the hackathon you will use your AI and data science skills to design effective solutions helping the clinician to decide the most probable prognosis of patients infected by Covid-19. To this aim, you will have to process real-world data, composed by
chest X-ray images (CXR) and clinical parameters, which were collected from several hospitals in emergency conditions during the first outbreak in Northern Italy in collaboration with Centro Diagnostico Italiano and Bracco Imaging.<br>
The hackathon targets finding multimodal solutions relying on both sets of data, with a heavy emphasis on image analysis. Solutions not using CXR images will not be considered.<br>
We will have two great challenges:<br>
Challenge 1: prediction of prognosis<br>
Challenge 2: algorithm explainability</div>
You are expected to find solutions that will be evaluated on performance as well as explainability by a panel of clinicians and computer scientists.<br>
More information about the hackathon registration and schedule is available at this webpage: http://ai4covid-hackathon.it/<br>
The Hackaton will start the 1st of February 2022 at the Dubai Expo 2020 and will last one month.<br>
Two prizes will be awarded to the teams with the best performing solution and the team with most convincing discussion on explainability.<br>
Important Dates<br>
Jan. 27: Registration opens<br>
Feb. 01: Hackathon opening event at Dubai EXPO<br>
Feb. 15: Results submission opens<br>
Feb. 20: Registration closes<br>
Mar. 01: Final day for results submission<br>
Mar. 03: Final day for the submission of the solution description (max 2 pages)<br>
Mar. 10: Hackathon closing event with announcement of winners and prizes<br>
The event is organized by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), and Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia with the endorsement from ELLIS Genova, ELLIS Modena, and ELLIS Technion, and with the support from CINI AIIS, Bracco Imaging,
Centro Diagnostico Italiano, and NVIDIA AUE.</div>
Steering Committee<br>
Alessio Del Bue - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy<br>
Rita Cucchiara - Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy <br>
Diego Sona - Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy <br>
Jacopo Tessadori - Università di Verona, Italy <br>
Marco Alì - CDI Centro Diagnostico Italiano, Italy <br>
Lihi Zelnik Manor - Technion, Haifa, Israel<br>