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Dear cognitive neuroscientists <br><br>Hope you are perfectly well.<br><br>I had two questions regarding the statistical analysis of PLV and coherence:<br><br>1. Can I directly interpret the “grand average PLV values” or “grand average coherence values” as indicators of connectivity?<br><br>2.
Can I treat these PLV or coherence values as some sort of “raw data” to
be analyzed and compared statistically across subjects?<br><br>----------------------------<br><br>More
explanation about 1 (1. Can I directly interpret the “grand average PLV
values” or “grand average coherence values” as indicators of
connectivity?) :<br><br>These two measures seem to be some directionless
correlation coefficients (like r-squared), right? If yes, so I guess I
can directly interpret them? There is no P value attached to them.
Still, I can say for example those above 0.7 are strong and those above
0.9 are excellent correlations. So can I look at the “Grand Average”
PLVs (average of average PLVs of all subjects in a particular
condition/group) and find those grand-average PLVs that are above, say,
70% across all the subjects, and list their responsible pairs of
electrodes (channels) as strongly correlated and thus as “strongly
functionally connected”? I can do the same for those between 50% and
70%, calling their electrodes (channels) to be moderately connected. Is
this method possible? Please let me know about any other similar
analyses I can do.<br><br>———————<br><br>More explanation about 2 (2.
Can I treat these PLV or coherence values as some sort of “raw data” to
be analyzed and compared statistically across subjects?):<br><br>Can I
compare these PLV values or coherence values across all the different
conditions (different interventions), using analyses such as ANOVA and
post hoc tests? For example, let’s say we have 3 conditions, each with
30 subjects. And each subject has many, many PLV values between all
possible pairs of electrodes. But the number of PLV values is the same
for all subjects since all of them have been scanned with the same EEG
device.<br><br>Can I compare each PLV value of all my 90 subjects
(within 3 groups) with each other, in terms of their 3 conditions
(interventions), using ANOVA and Tukey or some other appropriate
statistical test?<br><br>I mean is it correct to treat these
“correlation coefficients” named PLV or coherence as raw data, and
statistically analyze them?<br><br>Thanks a lot in advance.<br><div>Best, <br></div><div>Vic<br></div></div>