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<div dir="auto">Apologies for cross postings.<br />
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<strong style="font-size: 18px">Call for Workshop Proposals</strong><span style="font-size: 18px"><br /></span><span style="font-size: 18px"><br /></span><a href="https://www.cikm2021.org/cfp/workshops" target="_blank">https://www.cikm2021.org/cfp/workshops</a><br />
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The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) is the premier international conference on topics at the confluence of information retrieval, databases, and knowledge management. Running annually since 1992, CIKM attracts top talent from industry and academia, with the goal of fostering collaboration and bridging the academic-commercial gap in the database, information retrieval, and knowledge management communities.<br />
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We look for prospective submissions of highly interactive full-/half-day workshops proposing novel research, deepening established research topics or presenting practical applications on the many aspects of the data lifecycle (data acquisition, preprocessing, modeling, integration/aggregation, storage, analysis and consumption). Interdisciplinary workshops bridging across different communities are also highly encouraged.<br />
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Workshops will complement the main CIKM conference to be held online and hosted in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia from November 1-5, 2021<br />
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<strong style="font-size: 18px">Submission Guidelines</strong><span style="font-size: 18px"><br /></span><span style="font-size: 18px"><br /></span>Please use the <a href="https://www.cikm2021.org/dl/CIKM2021-Workshop-Proposal-Template.docx" target="_blank">CIKM 2021 Workshop Proposal Template</a> for your submission. Send the proposal to <a href="https://mailto:cikm2021-workshop@easychair.org" target="_blank">cikm2021-workshop@easychair.org</a> with subject “CIKM2021 – YOURACRONYM Workshop Proposal”. Workshop proposals are reviewed based on the quality of the proposal, their relation to the main CIKM topics, and the likelihood to attract enough participants as well as the hosting capacity of the conference.<br />
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<strong style="font-size: 18px">Proposal submission dates:</strong><span style="font-size: 18px"><br /></span></div>
<li>April 21, 2021: Workshop proposal submission</li>
<li>May 7, 2021: Proposal acceptance notification</li>
<li>August 23, 2021: Camera ready of the proposal</li>
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Exact workshop paper submission and author notification due dates are at the discretion of workshop organizers; a recommended timeline is indicated below.<br />
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<strong style="font-size: 18px">Suggested dates for paper submissions to the workshop:</strong><span style="font-size: 18px"><br /></span></div>
<li>July 15, 2021: Paper submission</li>
<li>August 15, 2021: Paper acceptance notification</li>
<li>Workshop dates will be flexible</li>
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By default, workshop papers will be included in a CIKM companion volume published by <a href="http://ceur-ws.org/" target="_blank">http://ceur-ws.org/</a>. To help preserve the authors’ ability to submit a revised version of their paper to a conference or journal, joining the volume is left at the discretion of the organizers. Should you decide to go for the companion volume, we might request to align your deadlines to the other interested workshops.<br />
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For further information, contact the <strong>CIKM2021 Workshop Chairs</strong> Gao Cong and Maya Ramanath at <a href="https://mailto:cikm2021-workshop@easychair.org" target="_blank">cikm2021-workshop@easychair.org</a></div>
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<div dir="auto">Dr. Aldo <strong>Lipani</strong> | <a href="https://aldolipani.com" target="_blank">aldolipani.com</a><br />
Asst. Prof. in Machine Learning<br />
University College London (UCL)</div>