<div dir="ltr">
<div class="gmail-cooked"><p>Dear all,</p><p>We are soliciting expressions of interest for PhD
positions. The research program of our “Computational Neuroscience
Laboratory” has a couple of directions that may be of interest for
Engineering/Computer Science/Physics/Maths students with interest in
machine learning / artificial intelligence as applied to answer questions
grounded in neurobiology. Our research is broadly directed towards:</p>
<p>i) development of neuroscience-inspired artificial intelligence
schemes to understand how parts of the brain work together to implement
<p>ii) development of multi-modal & multi-scale Bayesian framework (i.e. dynamic causal modelling), to characterise brain
network dynamics (and how these brain dynamics reorganise with different
brain pathologies)</p><p>The candidates may like to get further information on the application process here: <a href="http://www.adeelrazi.org/openings.html" rel="nofollow noopener">http://www.adeelrazi.org/openings.html</a> or get in touch by emailing <a href="mailto:adeel.razi@monash.edu">adeel.razi@monash.edu</a></p>
<p>The Monash International Doctoral Program deadline is 31st Aug, 2020.
So please get in touch at least 3-4 weeks in advance to discuss suitability of your profile.</p><p>With very best wishes,<br>
<font size="1"><strong>Adeel Razi, PhD</strong><br>
<b>Director, Computational Neuroscience Laboratory</b><br>
Associate Professor | ARC DECRA Fellow | Deputy Head - Brain Mapping & Modelling Research Program</font></p><font size="1">
</font><p><font size="1"><b>Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health</b><br>
Monash University, Australia<br></font>
<font size="1"><a href="http://www.adeelrazi.org/" rel="nofollow noopener">adeelrazi.org</a> | <a href="http://monash.edu/turner-institute" rel="nofollow noopener">monash.edu/turner-institute</a></font></p><font size="1">
</font><p><font size="1">Honorary Senior Research Fellow<br></font>
<font size="1"><strong>Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging</strong><br>
University College London, United Kingdom</font></p><font size="1">
</font><p><font size="1"><strong>P</strong> : +61 (03) 99050109 | <strong>T</strong> : <a href="https://twitter.com/adeelrazi" rel="nofollow noopener">@adeelrazi</a> | <strong>A</strong> : Room 116, 770 Blackburn Road, Clayton campus, VIC 3800, Australia</font></p></div>