<div dir="ltr"><b>7th Workshop on Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge in Computer Vision & 4th VisDA Challenge<br></b><br>In conjunction with European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020<br>23 August 2020<br><br>Workshop website: <a href="https://sites.google.com/view/task-cv2020/home" target="_blank">https://sites.google.com/view/task-cv2020/home</a><br>VisDA challenge website: <a href="http://ai.bu.edu/visda-2020/" target="_blank">http://ai.bu.edu/visda-2020/</a><br><br>******************************<br><b>CALL FOR PAPERS</b><br>This
is the 7th annual workshop that brings together computer vision
researchers interested in domain adaptation and knowledge transfer
techniques.<br><br>A key ingredient of the recent successes of computer
vision methods is the availability of large sets of annotated data.
However, collecting them is prohibitive in many real applications and it
is natural to search for an alternative source of knowledge that needs
to be transferred or adapted to provide sufficient learning support. Our
workshop aims to bring together researchers in various sub-areas of
Transfer Learning (TL) and Domain Adaptation (DA) for computer vision. <br><br><b>Check the website to see the amazing list of speakers of this year!</b> <a href="https://sites.google.com/view/task-cv2020/invited-speakers" target="_blank">https://sites.google.com/view/task-cv2020/invited-speakers</a><br><br>******************************<br><b>TOPICS</b><br><br>•
TL/DA learning methods for challenging paradigms like unsupervised,
incremental, open set, universal, online and federated learning<br>•
TL/DA CNN architectures with new adaptation techniques, fine-tuning
strategies, regularization approaches, weights transfer solutions etc.<br>•
TL/DA focusing on specific computer vision tasks (e.g., image
classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, retrieval,
tracking, etc.) and applications (biomedical, robotics, multimedia,
autonomous driving, etc.)<br>• TL/DA methods working at feature and
pixel (generative) level as well as jointly applied with other
learning paradigms such as reinforcement learning<br>• DA in case of
sensor differences (e.g., low-vs-high resolution, power spectrum
sensitivity, different RGB/Depth modalities) and compression schemes<br>• Datasets and protocols for evaluating TL/DA methods<br>• Going beyond TL/DA towards Domain Generalization (DG)<br>• Multi-Task, Zero- One- and Few-Shot Learning<br><br>This is not a closed list, we welcome other interesting and relevant research for TASK-CV.<br><br>******************************<br><b>NEW!</b> IMPORTANT DATES <br><b>**EXTENDED** Submission deadline: July 23rd, 2020</b><br>Supplementary material deadline: July 30th, 2020<br>Author notification: August 13th, 2020<br>Video submission deadline: August 15th, 2020<br>Camera-ready: September 13th, 2020<br><br><b>NEW!</b> PAPER FORMAT<br>-
short papers: these contributions will consist in Extended Abstracts of
4 pages (including references). They may share contents with papers
accepted at ECCV or under review for any other conference.<br>- long
papers: these contributions will consist of papers of the same format of
ECCV submissions: maximum 14 pages (excluding references). They should
be original works, not sharing content with papers under review.<br><br><b>NEW!</b> VIDEO SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL<br>The
authors are highly encouraged to submit in their supplementary material
a 5 min pre-recorded oral presentation. The spotlight will be included
in the workshop upon acceptance.<br>Note that all the accepted papers
will need a video, so a second call for spotlights will come after
author notification, but with a short deadline (August 15th).<br><br>As tradition we will have a best paper award supported by our sponsor Naver Labs Europe.<br><br>******************************<br><b>VISDA-2020 CHALLENGE</b><br><br>This
year the VisDA Challenge brings on board a new task, domain adaptive
pedestrian re-identification. More challenging and practical settings
are set, characterized by a synthetic-to-real domain adaptation
procedure.<br><br>• Registration started: April 1st, 2020<br>• Training data released: May 1st, 2020<br>• Testing data released: June 25st, 2020<br>• Final submission: July 25th, 2020, 11:59am EDT / 3:59pm UTC<br>• Winners notification: August, 2020<br><br><br>******************************<br><b>WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS</b>:<br>Tatiana Tommasi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)<br>Antonio M. Lopez (CVC & UAB, Spain)<br>David Vazquez (Element AI, Canada)<br>Gabriela Csurka (Naver Labs Europe, France)<br>VISDA CHALLENGE ORGANIZERS:<br>Kate Saenko (Boston University, USA)<br>Liang Zheng (Australian National University, Australia)<br>Xingchao Peng (Boston University, USA)<br>Weijian Deng (Australian National University, Australia)</div>