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IIT has established a collaboration with Università degli studi di Genova and funds 6 PhD scholarships on Computer Vision and Machine Learning.<br>
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<div>Research and training activities are jointly conducted between the DITEN Department of University and IIT infrastructures in Genoa, at the PAVIS Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision Research line, led by its Principal Investigator, Alessio Del Bue.<br>
Theme A - 3D scene understanding with geometrical and deep learning reasoning<br>
Theme B - Artificial Intelligence for Human Behavior Analysis<br>
Theme C - People and Object Re-identification in the wild<br>
Theme D - Deep Learning for Multi-modal scene understanding<br>
Theme E - Weakly Supervised and Unsupervised Deep Learning<br>
Theme F - Visual Reasoning with Knowledge and Graph Neural Networks for scene understanding <br>
Theme G - Distributed AI in sensor networks and robotic platforms<br>
Detailed description at: https://pavisdata.iit.it/data/phd/ResearchTopics2021_IIT-PAVIS<br>
The PhD program on the listed topics will take place at the PAVIS research line of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) located in Genova (www.iit.it).<br>
The department focuses on activities related to the analysis and understanding of images, videos and patterns in general, even multidisciplinary, in collaboration with other research groups in IIT. PAVIS staff has a wide expertise in computer vision and pattern
recognition, machine learning, image processing, and related applications (related to assistive and monitoring AI systems).<br>
For more information, you can also browse the PAVIS webpage http://pavis.iit.it/ to see our activities and research.<br>
Successful candidates will be part of an exciting and international working environment and will work in brand new laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation. Excellent communication skills in English, as well as ability to interact effectively
with members of the research team, are mandatory.<br>
In order to apply for the XXXVI Phd Course in Science and Technologies for Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, curriculum in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (CODE 8259) it is mandatory to refer to the procedures administered
by Universita degli studi di Genova.<br>
The official call (bando di concorso) is available at this link: https://unige.it/usg/it/dottorati-di-ricerca, where the call and the annex A (allegato A) are available
<div>For the english version, see: https://unige.it/en/usg/en/phd-programmes<br>
APPLICATIONS are already possible through University of Genoa ONLINE PROCEDURE ONLY:<br>
A detailed CV, a research proposal under one or more topics chosen among those above indicated, reference letters, and any other formal document concerning the degrees earned.
Notice that these documents are mandatory in order to consider valid the application.<br>
Refer also to the indications stated in the annex A above mentioned.<br>
IMPORTANT: In order to apply, candidates must prepare the research proposal based on the research topics above mentioned.
Please, follow these indications to prepare it: https://pavisdata.iit.it/data/phd/ResearchProjectTemplate.pdf<br>
For FURTHER INFORMATION on the research topics contact Dr. Del Bue at pavis@iit.it<br>
ONLINE APPLICATION DEADLINE is JUNE 15, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (noon, Italian time/CEST) STRICT DEADLINE, NO EXTENSION.<br>
Apply before deadline, the application process is not immediate: don’t wait for the final day</div>