<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><span class="gmail-il">ICSOC</span> 2018 - Call For Demonstrations<br><br>16th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing<br><span class="gmail-m_-2826471124751008613gmail-aBn"><span class="gmail-m_-2826471124751008613gmail-aQJ">November 12-15</span></span>, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. <br><a href="http://icsoc.org/" target="_blank">http://<span class="gmail-il">icsoc</span>.org/</a> <br><br>--------------------<br>Important Dates<br><br>Demonstration Submission: <span class="gmail-m_-2826471124751008613gmail-aBn"><span class="gmail-m_-2826471124751008613gmail-aQJ">July 30 2018</span></span> (23:59 UTC-12)<br>Author Notification: <span class="gmail-m_-2826471124751008613gmail-aBn"><span class="gmail-m_-2826471124751008613gmail-aQJ">August 20, 2018</span></span> (23:59 UTC-12)<br>Camera Ready Submission: <span class="gmail-m_-2826471124751008613gmail-aBn"><span class="gmail-m_-2826471124751008613gmail-aQJ">August 27, 2018</span></span> (23:59 UTC-12)<br><br>--------------------<br>Information for Authors<br><br>The goal of the <span class="gmail-il">ICSOC</span>
Demo track is to provide opportunities for participants from academia
and industry to present their latest development in Service Oriented
Computing. Interactive systems, design-support tools, platforms and
novel applications are particularly welcome.<br><br>The "Best Demo"
Awards, will be given to the demos that the Demonstration Program
Committee judges to be the best in quality, execution, and impact among
all the accepted demos in the conference.<br><br>--------------------<br>Topics of Interest<br><br>The
proposals for demonstration track focus on tools or research prototypes
that showcase the innovations in Service-Oriented Applications. Areas
of interest for demonstrations include all topics for <span class="gmail-il">ICSOC</span> conference. Specific topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following:<br><br>- Modeling Business Services and Service Value Networks<br>- Flexible Service Composition and Mashups<br>- Adaptive Service-based Systems<br>- Business Process Interaction and Choreographies<br>- Business Intelligence and Analytics for Services<br>- Services on the Cloud (XAAS)<br>- Service Integration and Orchestration<br>- Service Engineering Tools and Methodology<br>- Service Design Methods and Tools<br>- Service Change Management Systems<br>- Service Operations and Management<br>- Service Applications and Implementations<br>- Service-oriented Architecture Showcases<br>- Quality of Service Design and Management<br>- Service Security, Privacy, and Trust<br>- Service Vocabularies and Ontology<br>- Cloud Computing Services and Engineering<br>- Grid and Scientific Computing Services<br>- Pervasive and Mobile Services<br>- Embedded and Real-time Services<br>- Testbeds for Service Technologies and Concepts<br>- Social Networks and Services<br>- Internet of Things Services<br>- Data-aware Services including Artifact-Centric Systems<br>- Services for Big Data<br>- Human-mediated Services<br>- RESTful Web Services<br>- Open API<br>- Service Adaptation and Customization<br>- Service Governance<br>- Formal Methods for Web Services<br>- Validation and Verification of Services<br>- Elastic Service Computing<br>- RFID, sensor data and services related to the Internet of Things<br>- Services related linked open data<br><br>--------------------<br>Submission Requirements<br><br>Submissions accepted for the Demo track will be advertised on the <span class="gmail-il">ICSOC</span> 2018 website and be included in the conference proceedings. Each Demo submission must consist of the following elements:<br><br>- Paper (maximum 5 pages):<br>Pages
1-3 to describe the system to be demonstrated. The authors are
encouraged to discuss the application domain, the problem scenario, the
technology used, the techniques involved, the innovations of the system,
interactive aspects, etc.<br>Page 4 should only list the bibliographic references.<br>Page 5 to provide the organizers with a list of requirements for the demo setting at the conference.<br>Papers must be prepared using the <span class="gmail-il">ICSOC</span> format and submitted as PDF files. Submissions not conforming to the guidelines above will be rejected.<br><br>- Video (maximum 5 minutes):<br>The
paper should contain a URL linking to a demonstration video of no more
than 5 minutes in duration (QuickTime or YouTube format) showing and
explaining the execution of the system.<br>The video should be understandable without sound as much as possible, as they can be played during the conference.<br>Papers
should be formatted according to Springerís LNCS Formatting Guidelines.
Submissions must be in English. All papers must be submitted
electronically in PDF to the Demo Submission System.<br><br>All accepted
papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by
Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Videos of accepted demo papers will be played (with no sound) during
breaks and demo sessions to increase visibility.<br><br>For each
accepted paper, at least one author must attend the conference and
present the paper. The deadline for identifying and registering this
individual author will be at the time when the camera-ready version is
submitted.<br><br>--------------------<br><br>Selection Process<br>The submission and selection process for the <span class="gmail-il">ICSOC</span>
2018 Demos will be separate from that of the main conference. Each
submission will be assessed by the Demos Program Committee. The authors
will receive a brief evaluation report with the notification. The
evaluation criteria are:<br><br>- Relevance to the <span class="gmail-il">ICSOC</span> conference<br>- Significance and originality<br>- Video content and presentation<br>- Maturity and readiness of the demonstration<br>- Potential for public interaction<br>- Potential impact in the intended application domain<br>- Potential interest to a broader audience<br><br>--------------------<br>Demonstration Co-Chairs:<br><br>Antonio Bucchiarone (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy)<br>Wei (Emma) Zhang (Macquarie University, Australia)<br>Ying (Jenny) Zou (Queenís University, Canada)<br><br>--------------------<br>Contact<br><br>Demonstration Co-Chairs: <a href="mailto:dc@icsoc.org" target="_blank">dc@<span class="gmail-il">icsoc</span>.org</a><div class="gmail-yj6qo"></div><div class="gmail-adL"><br></div></div><br></div>
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