<div dir="ltr">
Call for Abstracts<br>
Ninth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2018)<br>
Host: New England Complex Systems Institute<br>
<span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">July 22 - 27, 2018</span></span><br>
Hyatt Regency<br>
Cambridge, MA, USA<br>
To register: <a href="http://www.necsi.edu/events/iccs2018/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.necsi.edu/events/<wbr>iccs2018/</a><br>
The International Conference on Complex Systems is a unique
interdisciplinary forum that unifies and bridges the traditional domains
of science and a multitude of real world systems. Participants will
contribute and be exposed to mind expanding concepts and methods from
across the diverse field of complex systems science.<br>
Special Topic - Artificial Intelligence: This year’s conference will
include a day on AI, including its development and potential future.
This session will be chaired by Iyad Rahwan of MIT's Media Lab.<br>
For presentation at the conference, authors should submit an abstract
through EasyChair. All the accepted abstracts will be published in the
online proceedings on the conference website. Authors of accepted
abstracts may submit full papers for inclusion in the online
proceedings. Full paper submission is optional. Make sure to register
for the conference on our website in addition to submitting to
Workshop proposal: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">February 16, 2018</span></span><br>
Abstract submission: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">February 16, 2018</span></span><br>
Notification to authors: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">March 30, 2018</span></span><br>
Early registration: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">April 13, 2018</span></span><br>
Camera-ready abstract & full paper submission: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">May 4, 2018</span></span><br>
(full paper submission is optional)<br>
Late abstract submission: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">June 1, 2018</span></span><br>
Conference: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">July 22-27, 2018</span></span><br>
Sessions will be structured around both themes and systems. The themes are:<br>
• Emergence: The relationship between components and collective
properties and behaviors; the relationship of internal structure to
external influence; multiscale structure and dynamics; self-similarity
and fractals.<br>
• Complexity & Information: Defining and measuring complexity;
characterizing the information necessary to describe complex systems;
structuring, storing, accessing, distributing, visualizing and analyzing
information describing complex systems; the dynamics of information and
its computational characterization.<br>
• Dynamics & Self-Organization: Time series analysis and prediction;
nonlinear dynamics and chaos; temporal correlations; the time scale of
dynamic processes; spatio-temporal patterns; dynamic scaling; pattern
formation; evolution, development and adaptation; interaction between
internal dynamics and external inputs; programmability of
• Structures & Networks: Complex network topologies; multilayer and
multiplex networks; dynamical networks; adaptive networks; temporal
networks; network modeling and analysis; small-world and scale-free
networks; connectivity and centrality; motifs, cliques and communities,
modularity, degeneracy, redundancy, and substructure; network
• Methodology: Computer simulation; agent-based modeling; data-driven
research; machine learning; artificial intelligence; analytical methods;
nonlinear statistics; soft computing; methods and tools for complex
systems education.<br>
The system categories are:<br>
• Mathematical, Physical & Chemical Systems: Non-equilibrium
processes; hydrodynamics; glasses; nonlinear chemical dynamics; complex
fluids; molecular self-organization; information and computation in
quantum and classical physical systems; supramolecular chemistry;
spatio-temporal patterns in physical systems from subatomic to
• Bio-Molecular & Cellular Systems: Systems biology; protein and DNA
folding; bio-molecular informatics; membranes; cellular response and
communication; genetic regulation; gene cytoplasm interactions;
development; cellular differentiation; primitive multicellular
organisms; the immune system; origins of life; biological networks in
human health: protein-protein interaction, metabolic and gene regulatory
networks; Systems pharmacology.<br>
• Physiological & Psychological Systems: Nervous system;
sensorimotor systems; computational models of neural and cognitive
function; perception, cognition, memory and action; psychological
dysfunction; pattern recognition; learning and development; human
machine interaction; autonomous mental development; neurocognitive
• Organisms & Populations: Population biology; collective behavior
of animals; ecosystems; ecology; ecological networks; microbiome;
speciation; evolution.<br>
• Human Social & Economic Systems: Social networks; socio-technical
systems; computational social science; collective intelligence;
corporate and social structures and dynamics; organizational behavior
and management; urban development; city science; economies and markets;
financial systems; risk management; globalization; military systems;
global conflicts; social unrest; political networks; interactions
between human and natural systems.<br>
• Engineered Systems: Design and manufacturing; nano-technology;
bioengineering; modified and hybrid biological organisms; computer based
interactive systems; multi-agent systems; artificial life; artificial
intelligence; robots; communication networks; the Internet; traffic
systems; distributed control; resilience; self organizing artifacts;
complex systems engineering; biologically inspired engineering;
synthetic biology; sensor networks.<br>
There will be several time slots available during the conference for
organizing workshops on specific topics. All the accepted
abstracts/papers for the workshops will be included in the conference
proceedings as well.<br>
If you are interested in organizing a workshop, email the following information to <a href="mailto:programs@necsi.edu">programs@necsi.edu</a> by January 19, 2018:<br>
• Name(s) and contact information of the workshop<br>
• Title of the workshop<br>
• A short description of the workshop: (aim, scope, target<br>
audience, format and expected outcome)<br>
• A list of confirmed and prospective speakers<br>
Albert-László Barabási (Northeastern University, USA)<br>
Cameron Kerry (MIT Media Lab, USA)<br>
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Real World Risk Institute, USA)<br>
Stuart Kauffman (Institute for Systems Biology, USA)<br>
Peter Turchin (University of Connecticut, USA)<br>
Olaf Sporns (Indiana University Network Science Institute, USA)<br>
Iyad Rahwan (MIT Media Lab, USA)<br>
Sandy Pentland (MIT Media Lab, USA)<br>
Irving Epstein (Brandeis University, USA)<br>
Simon DeDeo (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)<br>
H. Eugene Stanley (Boston University, USA)<br>
Stephen Wolfram (Wolfram Research)<br>
César Hidalgo (MIT Media Lab, USA)<br>
Executive Committee<br>
Conference Chair Emeritus: <span class="gmail-il">Yaneer</span> Bar-Yam (New England Complex Systems Institute, USA)<br>
General Chair: Ali A. Minai (University of Cincinnati, USA)<br>
Program Chair: Dan Braha (University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, USA)<br>
Alfredo J. Morales (New England Complex Systems Institute, USA)<br>
Carlos Gershenson (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico)<br>
Special Sessions Chair: Marc Santolini (Northeastern University, USA)<br>
Emma Towlson (Northeastern University, USA)<br>
Sponsors Chair: Kim Severino (New England Complex Systems Institute, USA)<br>
Logistics Chair: Sageet Braha (New England Complex Systems Institute, USA)<br>
Elisabeth Perry-Montgomery (New England Complex Systems Institute, USA)<br>
Program Committee<br>
PC members TBA<br>
The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, minutes from Boston. Reservations can be made directly
with Hyatt reservations at <a href="tel:1-888-421-1442" value="+18884211442">1-888-421-1442</a>, or online at: <a href="https://aws.passkey.com/go/NECSI" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://aws.passkey.com/go/<wbr>NECSI</a><br>
A block of rooms has been reserved at a conference discount rate
starting at $259 + tax per night. Internet access is included. These
rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. To receive the
discount rate identify yourself as a member of ICCS 2018. These rates
are available until <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">June 29th, 2018</span></span>. Cancellations may be made up to 48 hours in advance without penalty.<br>
Conference website: <a href="http://necsi.edu/events/iccs2018/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">necsi.edu/events/iccs2018/</a><br>
Contact us at <a href="mailto:programs@necsi.edu">programs@necsi.edu</a><br>
New England Complex Systems Institute<br>
277 Broadway<br>
Cambridge, MA 02139<br>
Phone: <a href="tel:617-547-4100" value="+16175474100">617-547-4100</a><br>
Fax: <a href="tel:617-661-7711" value="+16176617711">617-661-7711</a><br>
<a href="http://necsi.edu" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">necsi.edu</a>
<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br clear="all"><div><div class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><b>Ali A. Minai, Ph.D.</b><br>Professor<br>Complex Adaptive Systems Lab<br>Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science<br></div><div>828 Rhodes Hall<br></div><div>University of Cincinnati<br>Cincinnati, OH 45221-0030<br><br></div><div>Past-President (2015-2016)<br></div><div>International Neural Network Society<br></div><div><br>Phone: (513) 556-4783<br>Fax: (513) 556-7326<br>Email: <a href="mailto:Ali.Minai@uc.edu" target="_blank">Ali.Minai@uc.edu</a><br> <a href="mailto:minaiaa@gmail.com" target="_blank">minaiaa@gmail.com</a><br><br>WWW: <a href="http://www.ece.uc.edu/%7Eaminai/" target="_blank">http://www.ece.uc.edu/~aminai/</a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>