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<p>Call for Abstracts<br class="">
<br class="">
The 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and
Machines<br class="">
June 27 - 30, 2017<br class="">
Clark Memorial Student Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JAPAN<br
<a href="http://adaptivemotion.org/AMAM2017/" class="">http://adaptivemotion.org/AMAM2017/</a><br
<br class="">
<br class="">
Understanding the mechanisms for adaptive behavior of animals
helps us<br class="">
realizing adaptive behavior of machines, and experimenting with
machines<br class="">
to realize adaptive behavior helps us finding new views on
biological<br class="">
systems. These two approaches are "two wheels of a cart" to
understand<br class="">
the essence of adaptive intelligence. AMAM 2017 is the 8th<br
international symposium dedicated on the interaction among
researchers<br class="">
of such interdisciplinary field. The symposium covers
neuromechanics,<br class="">
neurophysiology, biomechanics, robotics, brain science, and other<br
fields related to adaptive behavior of animals and machines.
Previous<br class="">
symposia were held in Montreal, Canada (2000); Kyoto, Japan
(2003);<br class="">
Ilmenau, Germany (2005); Cleveland, USA (2008); Awaji,<br class="">
Japan(2011); Darmstadt, Germany(2013); and Cambridge, USA(2015).<br
<br class="">
Abstract contributions are invited from all areas pertaining to
adaptive<br class="">
motion in animals and machines. Accepted abstracts are presented
in<br class="">
poster sessions. We also encourage participants to contribute <br
hardware demonstrations, ‘Robot Zoo’@AMAM2017. For details on<br
submission, please check the symposium web site<br class="">
<a href="http://adaptivemotion.org/AMAM2017/submit/" class="">http://adaptivemotion.org/AMAM2017/submit/</a> .<br
<br class="">
<br class="">
Important Dates:<br class="">
<br class="">
Feb. 10, 2017 Deadline of extended abstracts submission<br
Mar. 17, 2017 Notification of acceptance for extended abstracts<br
Mar. 31, 2017 Deadline of submission for Robot Zoo(Robot Demo)<br
Jun. 27-30, 2017 Conference<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
Secretariat:<br class="">
AMAM2017 Secretariat<br class="">
Email: <a href="mailto:amam2017secretariat@adaptivemotion.org"
class="">amam2017secretariat@adaptivemotion.org</a><br class="">
Symposium web-site: <a href="http://adaptivemotion.org/AMAM2017/"