<div dir="ltr"><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr"><div><a href="https://www.elen.ucl.ac.be/esann/index.php?pg=specsess#deepkernels" target="_blank">Call for papers: special session on "Deep and kernel methods: best of two worlds" at ESANN 2017</a><br><br>European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2017) <br><b><br>26-28 April 2017</b>, Bruges (Belgium) <br><br></div><div><br>Multilayer neural networks have experienced a rebirth in the data<br>analysis field, displaying impressive results, extending even to<br>classical artificial intelligence domains, such as game playing, computer vision, natural language and speech processing. The versatility of such methods have lead deep (semi)-parametric models to get over well-established learning methods, like kernel machines or classical statistical techniques. However, their training is a delicate and costly optimization problem that raises many practical challenges. On the other hand, kernel methods usually involve solving a tractable convex problem and are able to handle non-vectorial data directly, leading to a higher expressive<br>power. Their main drawback is arguably their complexity being<br>dependent on the number of data points, both at training and model<br>evaluation times. A natural and emerging field of research is given by<br>their hybridization, which can done in many fruitful ways. Many ideas<br>from the deep learning field can be transferred to the kernel<br>framework and viceversa.<br><br>This special session aims at all aspects of deep architectures,<br>be theoretical or methodological developments, comparative analyses,<br>or applications. A special emphasis is given to new ideas to bridge<br>the gap between the fields of deep and kernel learning, as well as<br>the understanding of their respective weak and strong points.<br><br> The topics of the session include, but are not limited to,<br><br>- Applications of deep architectures in data representation and<br> analysis, including structured or non-vectorial inputs or outputs<br><br>- Natural language and speech processing; structured relationships among data; scalability/efficiency of deep neural networks and large-scale kernel machines <br><br>- Heterogeneous data and meta-data; applications in neuroscience, computer vision, (bio)acoustic signals and mechanisms<br><br>- Statistical or stability analysis, visualization of learning,<br> generalization bounds<br><br>- Novel deep(er) architectures/algorithms for data representation and<br> learning (using kernels or not)<br><br>- Recursive and iterative kernels and their relation to deep neural architectures<br><br>- Emulation of multilayer machines by shallow architectures and vice versa<br><br>- Randomized (approximate) feature maps to scale-up kernel methods<br><br>- Derivation of efficient layer-by-layer algorithms for training<br> such networks; reductions in the computational complexity<br><br>- Comparisons of deep architectures to shallow architectures<br><br></div>SUBMISSION INFO<br><div><br>Submitted papers will be reviewed according to the ESANN reviewing process and evaluated on their scientific value: originality, technical correctness, and clarity. Tutorial-like contributions are also welcome provided they add a new perspective on the field.<br><br>IMPORTANT DATES:<br><br>Paper submission deadline : 19 November 2016<br>Notification of acceptance : 31 January 2017<br>ESANN conference : 26-28 April 2017<br clear="all"><br><div>ORGANISERS<br></div><br>Lluís A. Belanche, Marta R. Costa-jussà<br>Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain)<br><a href="http://www.costa-jussa.com" target="_blank"></a><br><div><div dir="ltr"><div><br></div></div></div>