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<font face="Calibri">Please post this announcement on the
connectionists list. Thanks much! Yiota Poirazi<br>
----------------------- <br>
</small></big></font>Dear colleagues,<br>
We are happy to announce additional support from EMBO for the <a
href="www.dendrites2016.gr">DENDRITES 2016 EMBO Workshop</a>. As a
<b>A.</b> Early registration rates extend to May 31st, 2016<br>
B. We offer <b>six</b> travel fellowships (up to 500 Euro) provided
by EMBO for participants of the DENDRITES 2016 meeting working in <b>Croatia,
Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland,
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain</b> and<b> Turkey</b>.
Interested candidates, including both registered and new
participants, must submit:<br>
1) a short Resume<br>
2) a short statement of why they wish to attend the workshop and why
financial support is critical for them<br>
3) at least one letter of recommendation<br>
The above should be submitted by email to <a
href="mailto:poirazi@imbb.forth.gr"><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:poirazi@imbb.forth.gr">poirazi@imbb.forth.gr</a></a> by <b>May
8th, 2016</b>.<br>
Awardees will be announced on <b>May 15th, 2016</b>.<br>
<font face="Calibri"><big><small>on behalf of the organizing
Yiota Poirazi</small></big></font><font face="Calibri"><big><small><br>
<b> ----------------------------------<br>
EMBO Workshop on Dendritic Anatomy, Molecules and Function
(DENDRITES 2016)</b><br>
<div>Heraklion, Crete, Greece <br>
<div>June 18-21, 2016<br>
<a href="http://www.dendrites2016.gr/" target="_blank">http://dendrites2016.gr/</a></div>
<a href="mailto:info@dendrites.gr" target="_blank">info@dendrites2016.gr</a><br>
<div>Yiota Poirazi, IMBB-FORTH<br>
Michael Hausser, UCL <font size="4"><b><span
style="line-height:12.896px;background-color:transparent"> <br>
Matthew Larkum, Humboldt University<font face="Calibri"><br>
<u>Invited speakers (scientific talks): </u><br>
Claudia Clopath<br>
Daniel Dombeck<br>
Casper Hoogenraad<br>
Arthur Konnerth<br>
Attila Losonczy<br>
Judit Makara<br>
Rishikesh Narayanan<br>
Elly Nedivi<br>
Jackie Schiller<br>
Erin Schuman<br>
Idan Segev<br>
Nelson Spruston<br>
Greg Stuart<br>
<u>Invited speakers (Career Issues in academia):</u><br>
<div> Monica Di Luca, FENS President: "Publication issues: right
time for a reality check"<br>
Camilla Belone, FENS-Kavli Scholar: "Retention of women in high
levels of neuroscience - Perspectives" <br>
Emre Yaksi, FENS-Kavli Scholar: "Funding opportunities in
Neuroscience: how to write a successful grant proposal"</div>
<font face="Calibri"> Matthew Larkum: "How to write an influential
scientific publication" <br>
<div class="moz-signature"> -- <br>
<font color="#999999"><small>Panayiota Poirazi, Ph.D.<br>
Director of Research<br>
Computational Biology Laboratory<br>
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB)<br>
Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)<br>
Vassilika Vouton, P.O.Box 1385<br>
GR 711 10 Heraklion, Crete, GREECE<br>
Tel: <a href="tel:+30%202810%20391139">+30 2810 391139</a><br>
Fax: <a href="tel:+30%202810%20391101">+30 2810 391101</a><br>
Εmail: <a href="mailto:poirazi@imbb.forth.gr">poirazi@imbb.forth.gr</a><br>
<a href="http://www.dendrites.gr">http://www.dendrites.gr</a><br>
<img src="cid:part9.04070609.01030403@imbb.forth.gr"
height="64" width="204"><br>
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