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<p>********************************************************<br />CfP - Apologies for multiple copies<br />********************************************************<br />CVVT 2016 – 7th international Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology<br />Las Vegas, USA, 26th June 2016<br />In conjunction with CVPR 2016</p>
<p>Web: http://adas.cvc.uab.es/cvvt2016<br />********************************************************</p>
<p>_________________<br />IMPORTANT DATES<br />_________________</p>
<p>Submission deadline: 18th March 2016<br />Author notification: 18th April 2016<br />Camera-ready: 24th April 2016<br />Workshop: 26th June 2016<br />________________<br />CALL FOR PAPERS<br />________________</p>
<p>The 7th international Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology aims to get together researchers in computer vision to promote discussion and debate on its application to assisted driving, exploration rovers, aerial vehicles and underwater vehicles.</p>
<p>We invite the submission of original research contributions in computer vision addressed to:</p>
<p>- Autonomous navigation and exploration<br /> - Vision-based advanced driver assistance systems<br /> - Vision-based underwater and unmanned aerial vehicles<br /> - Visual driver monitoring and driver-vehicle interfaces<br /> - On-board camera calibration<br /> - Performance evaluation of vehicular applications<br /> - Machine learning techniques for vehicle technology<br /> - Vision based geo-localization</p>
<p>The workshop will also host invited talks on assisted driving, exploratory rovers, aerial vehicles and underwater vehicles.</p>
<p>____________<br />SUBMISSION<br />____________</p>
<p>Authors should take into account the following:<br /> - The submission site is https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/CVVT2016/.<br /> - The maximum paper length is 8 pages (plus references). The format of the papers is the same as the CVPR main conference.<br /> - We accept dual submissions to CVPR 2016 and CVVT 2016, but the manuscript must contain substantial original contents not submitted to another conference, workshop or journal.<br /> - Submissions will be rejected without review if they: contain more than 8 pages (excluding references), violate the double-blind policy or violate the dual-submission policy.<br /> - Manuscript templates can be found at the main conference website: http://www.pamitc.org/cvpr16/author_guidelines.php</p>
<p>_____________________<br />BEST PAPER<br />_____________________</p>
<p>The CVVT will award the best student paper of the workshop, voted by the program committee. More details will be provided in the workshop web page.</p>
<p>_________<br />Contact<br />_________</p>