<div dir="ltr">There is a PhD open position for the following project:<br><div dir="ltr"><br>Neural network mechanisms of inhibitory and attentional control.<br><br>Co-supervised by: Adam Hampshire & Claudia Clopath, Imperial College London<br><br>Many
aspects of human cognition, such as response inhibition, working memory
and attentional control, have been attributed to the same network of
frontal and parietal brain regions. Furthermore, the role of this
network in cognition is not static as instead, activities and
connectivities diminish as the task at hand transitions from novel to
familiar. The successful candidate will examine how frontoparietal
networks support such diverse cognitive demands and how local neural
plasticity mechanisms (i.e. changes in connections between neurons)
underlie the shifting involvement of frontoparietal networks in
cognition. This will be achieved by combining cutting-edge functional
neuroimaging and computational modelling methodologies.<br><br>More details and how to apply below:<br><a href="http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/neurotechnology/cdt/projects/hampshire_2015" target="_blank">http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/neurotechnology/cdt/projects/hampshire_2015</a><br><br>The
deadline is Jan 30th 2015 and candidates should be EU nationals. The
perfect candidate has a strong mathematical, physical or engineering
background (or equivalent), and a keen interest in biological and neural
systems. Demonstrated programming skills are a plus.<br><br><br>Best, Dr. Claudia Clopath<br>----<br>Computational Neuroscience Laboratory <br>Department of Bioengineering<br>Imperial College London<br><a href="http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/c.clopath/" target="_blank">http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/c.clopath/</a><br>The
Computational Neuroscience Laboratory is very young and dynamic, and
publishes in prestigious journals, such as Nature and Science. It is
part of the Department of Bioengineering, which conducts
state-of-the-art multidisciplinary research in biomechanics,
neuroscience and neurotechnology. The lab is at Imperial College London,
the 2nd ranked university in Europe, is in the top 10 worldwide, and is located in the city centre of London. </div></div>