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<div>The University of Texas at Austin will be hosting the Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) from January 7 - January 16, 2015, co-chaired by Pradeep Ravikumar and Peter Stone.</div>
<div>The field of machine learning is at the intersection of computer science, statistics, mathematics, and optimization. The Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) provides a premium venue for graduate students, researchers, and professionals to learn about fundamental machine learning and techniques at the forefront of research in the field (http://www.mlss.cc/). This is the first time MLSS will be held in Austin, Texas and will feature an exciting program with talks from leading experts in the field.</div>
<div>For further details, including registration, list of speakers and the schedule, please visit http://www.cs.utexas.edu/mlss</div>
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