One or two PostDoc (or Research Professor for those of 2 or more years after PhD) positions are available. <br>
<br>CNSL (Computational NeuroSystems Lab; and <br>
<br>at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; <br>
<br>had been working on multi-disciplinary basic and advanced researches <br>
<br>to combine informationa technology (EE/CS) and cognitive/neuroscience.<br>
<br>The current emphasizes are in two areas;<br>
<br>(1) Computational models of human perception (especially auditory and audio-visual models, and recently text), wich includes<br>
<br> 1.a hierachical feature extraction with deep neural networks<br>
<br> 1.b binaural (or multi-microphone) signal processing for sound localization and speeh enhancement (ICA-based BSS and BSE)<br>
<br> 1.c top-down attention to combine multimodal signals as well as noise-robust recognition<br>
<br>(2) Human-Computer Interface by understanding human mind from fMRI, EEG, and/or eye-gaze measurements.<br>
<br> Both explicit and implicit (hidden or un-represented) human intention are utilized.<br>
<br>Interested people may show his/her interest by sending an e-mail to Prof. Soo-Young Lee ( .
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