<div dir="ltr">The 2013 CACS International Automatic Control Conference will be held at
the beautiful Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan during Dec. 2-4, 2013. This
conference aims to provide a broad international forum for researchers,
engineers, and professionals working in the areas of automatic control,
robotics and machine learning to discuss and exchange their findings,
ideas, and views. The conference will focus on both the theoretical
aspects and the applications in the fields of automatic control and
connected topics as listed below:<br>
<br>TOPICS<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:<br><br> Adaptive & Optimal Control<br> Biological Systems<br> Fuzzy Systems<br> Guidance and Flight Control<br> Hybrid Systems<br>
Image Processing and Control<br> Intelligent Automation<br> Intelligent Control<br> Intelligent Robots<br> Linear Systems<br> Manufacturing System<br> Mechatronics<br> Motion Control<br> Neural Networks<br>
Nonlinear Systems<br> Power Electronics<br> Robust Control<br> Servo Control<br> Signal Processing<br> Smart Manufacturing<br> Stochastic Systems<br> System Identification<br> System Modelling and Simulations<br>
<br>AWARDS<br><br>All accepted papers of CACS 2013 will be considered for the following awards: <br><br> Best Paper on Theory, <br> Best Paper on Applications,<br> Best Student Paper.<br><br>IMPORTANT DATES<br>
<br>Submission of contributed paper due August 1, 2013<br>Notification of acceptance September 15, 2013<br>Final paper submission due October 15, 2013<br>Conference early registration due October 15, 2013<br>
<br>WEBPAGE<br><br><a href="http://cacs2013.ccu.edu.tw" target="_blank">http://cacs2013.ccu.edu.tw</a><br><br>SPONSORS<br><br>IEEE, SICE (Japan), ICROS (Korea)</div>