Connectionists: Summer school "Cognitive Foundations of Decision-Making" in Rabat, Marocco

Rava A. da Silveira rava at
Sat Jan 27 06:00:51 EST 2024

Applications are open for the interdisciplinary summer school

“*Cognitive** Foundations of Decision-Making.”*

The summer school is aimed at young scholars interested in decision-making
in general, and the neural and cognitive foundations of decision-making in
particular. The summer school will be held on *July 22–27, 2024*, on the
beautiful campus of University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, in Rabat, Morocco.

Information, including details on how to apply, can be found at

The lecturers will include

Larbi Alaoui (Universitat Pompeu Fabra),

Rava Azeredo da Silveira (ENS and University of Basel),

Peter Bossaerts (University of Cambridge),

Joseph Kable (University of Pennsylvania),

Rafael Polania (ETH Zurich),

Ryan Webb (University of Toronto).
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