Connectionists: the AI understanding debate

Claudius Gros gros at
Sun Feb 18 06:42:53 EST 2024

Hi Everybody

There are two interesting aspects to the current
AI understanding debate on this list.

When ChatGPT-3 came out, more or less the same
question 'What does understanding mean?', has
been discussed over months on this list. At that time,
a certain consensus had been reached, in my impression,
namely that we do not even have a precise definition what
'understanding' means even in the human context.  Of course
different kinds of conclusions could be drawn from this 

The current debate is characterized, besides others, that
contributors often do not 'understand' the premises of
others, for whatever reasons. Philosophically, the question
then arises: When people tend to not understand each other,
is this group of people qualified in first place to discuss AI 


### Prof. Dr. Claudius Gros
### Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems, A Primer   
### A graduate-level textbook, Springer (2008/10/13/15)
### Life for barren exoplanets: The Genesis project

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