Connectionists: Call for papers: Workshop on "Green Algorithms: Shaping a Sustainable World with AI Innovation" at ICMLA 2024

Laura Morán Fernández laura.moranf at
Thu Apr 11 12:43:18 EDT 2024

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]

Call for papers: Workshop on "Green Algorithms: Shaping a Sustainable World with AI Innovation" at ICMLA 2024

This workshop will be part of the program of the “23rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications”, which will be held in Miami, Florida, USA, December 18 - 20, 2024.

Green Algorithms: Shaping a Sustainable World with AI Innovation

Organized by: Verónica Bolón-Canedo, Laura Morán-Fernández, Brais Cancela, and Amparo Alonso-Betanzos (CITIC - University of A Coruña, Spain)

Green algorithms are typically characterized as algorithms capable of optimizing energy efficiency and minimizing the environmental footprint of AI models. These algorithms aim to facilitate the utilization of technology in addressing diverse environmental challenges. This categorization encompasses two distinct types of algorithms:

  *   Green by AI: AI algorithms that enhance environmental sustainability by optimizing energy use, conserving ecosystems, and improving renewable energy's efficiency.

  *   Green in AI: Energy-efficient AI algorithms, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of its operations through innovative approaches and hardware advancements.

In this workshop, we invite papers on both practical and theoretical issues about developing new artificial intelligence algorithms that are sustainable and green, as well as review papers with the state-of-art techniques and the open challenges encountered in this field. In particular, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  *   Developing energy-efficient algorithms for training and/or inference.

  *   Investigating AI approaches for sustainable data management and storage techniques.

  *   Exploring the use of renewable energy sources for artificial intelligence.

  *   Examining the ethical and social implications of green algorithms and artificial intelligence.

  *   Investigating methods for reducing the carbon footprint of artificial intelligence algorithms.

  *   Studying the impact of green algorithms on various industries and applications.

  *   Applications of artificial intelligence to achieve sustainability and combat climate change.

  *   Explainable AI in green algorithms and applications to enhance transparency and accountability.

  *   Tools and frameworks for computational consumption of algorithms

Key Dates:

Submission Guidelines:

Prospected authors need to indicate as “Submission Type” the workshop title.


Laura Morán Fernández, PhD
Laboratorio de I+D en Inteligencia Artificial
CITIC - Universidade da Coruña
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