Connectionists: REMINDER: call for nominations Valentin Braitenberg Award

Alexandra Stein a.stein at
Thu Apr 6 06:43:04 EDT 2023

*REMINDER: Call for nominations for the Valentin Braitenberg Award*


Since 2012, the *Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience awards the 
Valentin Braitenberg Award* every two years, which honors outstanding 
scientific achievements in the field of computational neuroscience. 
Following Braitenberg’s scientific tradition, special attention is paid 
to theoretical studies that reveal the functional significance of brain 
structures and their neuronal network dynamics. The award ceremony

Further information:

*We welcome nominations for the Valentin Braitenberg Award for 
Computational Neuroscience 2023 until April 30, 2023. The award will be 
presented at the Bernstein Conference 2023 in Berlin.*


*Award criteria:*

The major criterion for the selection of the awardee is the impact of 
the recipient’s research on the neurosciences. In the spirit of Valentin 
Braitenberg’s research, special emphasis is given to theoretical studies 
elucidating the functional implications of brain structures and their 
neuronal network dynamics. The crucial work should preferentially have 
been carried out in a European institution.



Nominations may be submitted by scientists working in the field of 
Computational Neuroscience and should include the following documents:

  * One-page laudation, in which the scientific work of the candidate is
    honored with regard to the award’s criteria
  * CV and list of publications

Please send the nomination documents via to Dr. Alexandra Stein, 
a.stein at, (Head of Bernstein Coordination Site).


*Former award winners:*

  * Eve Marder
  * Wulfram Gerstner
  * David Willshaw
  * Alexander Borst
  * Moshe Abeles

Dr. Alexandra Stein
Head of Bernstein Coordination Site

Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience | Bernstein Coordination Site
Branch Office of the Forschungszentrum Jülich
at the University of Freiburg
Hansastr. 9a | 79104 Freiburg, Germany

phone: +49 (0)761 203 9583
mobile: +49 (0)151 67114645
mail:a.stein at

Twitter: BernsteinNeuro
LinkedIn: Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience, Germany
Mastodon:BernsteinNetwork at
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