Connectionists: WIRN 2018 CFP

eros.pasero at eros.pasero at
Fri Mar 30 12:46:00 EDT 2018

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WIRN2018 - June 13-15 2018 - Vietri s.m- (SA) - Italy

28th Italian Workshop on Neural Networks



The Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN) is the annual conference of
the Italian Society of Neural Networks (SIREN). The conference is organized,
since 1989, in co-operation with the International Institute for Advanced
Scientific Studies (IIASS) in Vietri S/M (Italy), and is a traditional event
devoted to the discussion of novelties and innovations related to field of
Artificial Neural Networks. In recent years, it also became a
multidisciplinary forum on psychological and cognitive theories for
modelling human behaviours. The 28th Edition of the Italian Workshop on
Neural Networks (WIRN 2018) will be held at the IIASS in  Vietri sul Mare,
near Salerno, Italy.


CALL FOR PAPERS: Prospective authors are invited to contribute high quality
papers in the topic areas listed below.  Contributions should be high
quality, original and not published elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by
the Program Committee, and may be accepted for oral or poster presentation.
All accepted contributions will be published in a special volume printed by
Springer  and indexed by SCOPUS. Authors will be limited to one paper per
registration. Please visit the Springer web site for the paper format:
( Manuscripts should not exceed the
limit of 8-10 pages. The submission procedure can be made through Easy


Special sessions

There is a call for special sessions. Proposers must send their proposal no
later than April 15 2018 to the steering committee, Anna Esposito
(iiass.annaesp at <mailto:iiass.annaesp at> ), Marcos Faundez-Zanuy
(faundez at, Francesco Carlo Morabito (morabito at,
Eros Pasero (eros.pasero at



Prof. Leon Chua, EECS at University of Berkeley, CA.  

Prof. Amir Hussain, University of Sterling, UK.

Prof. Alessandro Vinciarelli, University of Glasgow, UK.


TOPIC AREAS: Suggested topics  include, but are not limited to the following
research and application areas:

General Topics of Interest about Computational Intelligence:

Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Computation and Swarm
Intelligence, Support Vector Machines, Complex Networks, Bayesian and Kernel
Networks, Consciousness and Models of Emotion Cognitive and Psychological
Models of Human Behavior

Algorithms & Architectures:

Among others: Opportunist Networks, Metabolic Networks, ICA and BSS, Deep
Neural Networks, Bio-inspired Neural Networks, Wavelet Neural Networks,
Intelligent Algorithms for Signal (Speech, Faces, Gestures, Gaze, etc)
Processing and Recognition


Among others: Hardware Implementations and Embedded Systems, Neuromorphic
Circuits and Hardware, Spike-based VLSI NNs, Intelligent Interactive
Dialogue Systems, Embodied Conversational Agents


Among others: Finance and Economics, Big Data Analysis,  Neuroinformatics
and Bioinformatics, Brain-Computer Interface and Systems, Data Fusion, Time
Series Modelling and Prediction, Intelligent Infrastructure and
Transportation Systems, Sensors and Network of Sensors, Smart Grid, Process
Monitoring and Diagnosis, Intelligent and Adaptive Systems for Human-Machine

Details  of the 2018 conference are on:


PAPER SUBMISSION:  Important Dates (Preliminary) 

  Special Session/Workshop proposals: April 15 15, 2018

 Paper Submission deadline: April 30, 2018

  Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2018

  Camera-ready copy: June  1, 2018

  Conference Dates: June 13-15, 2018


General Chairman:  Eros Pasero

Co-Chairman: Carlo Morabito


Prof. Eros Pasero 

SIREN President
Laboratorio di Neuronica
Dip. Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni  - Politecnico di Torino Duca d.
Abruzzi 24 
10129 Torino - Italy
' Tel +39 011 0904043, +393316796014 6 Fax 0+39 011 0904216 

*e-mail  <mailto:eros.pasero at> eros.pasero at WEB:

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"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility"


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