Connectionists: Probabilities and Optimal Inference to understand the Brain

Laurent Perrinet Laurent.Perrinet at
Wed Jan 17 04:09:27 EST 2018

Dear colleagues,

You are invited to participate to a 2-day workshop on "Probabilities and Optimal Inference to understand the Brain" April 5-6th 2018 at the Institute of Neurosciences Timone in Marseille in the south of France. 

The workshop will bring together experimentalists and theoreticians working in different fields of neurosciences (perception, motor control, learning and decision making and cognitive disorders) and at different levels on investigation (neuronal physiology, oscillations in cortical activity, behavior...) but all developing models and experimental data interpretations within the Bayesian theoretical framework. 

The main ambition of the workshop will be not only to provide a phenomenological description on the current applications on the Bayesian optimal inference theory to the neurosciences, but also to open to critical analyses on the advantages and limitations on this type on approach. In particular all speakers will be invited to address the question "In what aspects does the Bayesian or active inference framework push forward our understanding of the brain beyond other theoretical models?"

The list of confirmed speakers is:

- Dora Angelaki (Baylor College of Medicine)
- Rafal Bogacz (University of Oxford)
- Frédéric Crevecoeur (Université Catholique de Louvain)
- Kelly Diederen (University of Cambridge)
- Emmanuel Daucé (INS, Marseille)
- Opher Donchin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
- Pascal Mamassian (ENS Paris)
- Laurent Perrinet (INT, Marseille)
- Lionel Rigoux (Max Planck Institute)
- David Thura (University of Montreal)
- Simone Vossel (Forschungszentrum Jülich & University of Cologne)

The full program is attached and also available at <>.

In addition we are accepting contributions such as posters, as well as a limited number of short oral presentations by young researchers of the Marseille Neuroscience community related to the workshop's topic. 

Registration @ <> is free but mandatory.


The organizing committee : Paul Apicella, Frederic Danion, Nicole Malfait, Anna Montagnini and Laurent Perrinet

e-mail : opt-infer-brain at <mailto:opt-infer-brain at>

Laurent Perrinet - INT (UMR 7289)/CNRS <>
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