Connectionists: Tenure Track Position in Applied Mathematics at Brandeis

Jonathan D. Touboul jtouboul at
Sat Oct 14 15:46:34 EDT 2017

Brandeis University, Department of Mathematics, invites applications for a tenure-track position in applied mathematics at the rank of assistant professor beginning fall 2018. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in mathematics or a related field, demonstrate potential for excellence in research, and display a commitment to teaching. An ideal candidate will be expected to help to build an applied mathematics program within the department, and to interact with other science faculty at Brandeis. Candidates from all areas of applied mathematics will be considered.
First consideration will be given to applications received by November 15.

Applications should include an AMS cover sheet, a curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements, and four letters of recommendation, one of which addresses teaching effectiveness. Applications should be submitted through <>: <>
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