Connectionists: MOCO 2017 Call For Practice Work

Marco Gillies M.Gillies at
Tue Nov 29 04:52:43 EST 2016

MOCO 2017 Call for Practice Work: demos, art work, performance and unconventional presentation types

International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO17)

> Intersecting Art, Meaning, Cognition, Technology

28-30th June, London UK

Goldsmiths University of London

We would like to invite submissions for a wide variety of practice focused work for  the 4th International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO) which is to be held in London. MOCO is open to a wide range of ways of presenting your work. We invite submission of a wide range of practice work such as demos, performances, games, artistic works and movement workshops. We encourage submitters to be creative in proposals for practice sessions and are open to novel formats.

MOCO is an interdisciplinary conference that explores the use of computational technology to support and understand human movement practice (e.g. computational analysis) as well as movement as a means of interacting with computers (e.g. motion capture, gestural analysis, sensor interfaces). This requires a wide range of computational tasks including modeling, representation, segmentation, recognition, classification, or generation of movement information but also an interdisciplinary understanding of movement that ranges from biomechanics and dance to embodied cognition and the phenomenology of bodily experience. We therefore invite submissions from a wide range of disciplines including (but not limited to): Human-Computer Interaction, Dance, Somatic Practices, Performance, Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, Sports Science, Machine Learning, Visual Arts, Robotics, Philosophy, Anthropology, Music, Affective Computing, Games, Sports, Healthcare and Animation.

We deliberately use a very open phrase “practice work” to encourage diverse ideas of what practice in movement and computing is and how that practice can be presented. We suggests the following as examples of what practice work might be, but also stress that the list is in no way exhaustive and any types of presentation will be considered, with the only criteria will be excellence of the work and whether it is possible to stage the work given the resources, time and space available to the conference:

  *   Technology demos

  *   Performances (e.g. dance, physical performance, music)

  *   Artworks

  *   Interactive Installations

  *   Movement workshops (i.e. a session in which participants engage in movement based activity)

  *   Games

  *   Video presentations


Submissions will be by extended abstract (2 pages maximum), a proposal form and supporting media (video, sound or images)  which will give details of the practical and technical requirements for putting on the work (this is very important to ensure that we can accommodate the work within the resources of our conference).

Please note that we are an academic conference with a low fee which means we cannot pay for commissioned performances and art work. Also, we cannot guarantee facilities for all possible sessions, so please give full details of your needs in the proposal form so we can judge whether it is possible.

All submissions should be in pdf format and should use the ACM proceedings format:

ACM SIG Proceedings Templates<>
About ACM. ACM, the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession.

Online submission: All submissions must be made through EasyChair

All submissions must be anonymous and will be peer-reviewed. The MOCO proceedings will be indexed and published in the ACM digital library.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 23 January 2017

Notification: 23 March 2017

Camera ready papers: 30 April 2017


If you have any questions please contact us on moco2017 at<mailto:moco2017 at>


Conference Chair

Marco Gillies, Goldsmiths

Organising Committee

Kirk Woolford, University of Surrey

Sarah Whatley, Coventry University

Adam Parkinson, Goldsmiths

Frederic Fol Leymarie, Goldsmiths

Phoenix Perry, Goldsmiths

Simon Katan, Goldsmiths

Perla Maiolino, Goldsmiths

Local organisers

Kiona Niehaus, Goldsmiths

Nicky Donald, Goldsmiths

Phoenix Fry, Goldsmiths

Steering Committee

Frédéric Bevilacqua, IRCAM

Sarah Fdili Alaoui,  LRI-Université Paris-Sud 11

Jules Françoise, Simon Fraser University

Philippe Pasquier, Simon Fraser University

Thecla Schiphorst, Simon Fraser University

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