Connectionists: Keystone Symposium "Connectomics"

Sporns, Olaf osporns at
Sat Nov 26 16:52:39 EST 2016

*Announcing a Keystone Symposium on "Connectomics"*

Scientific Organizers: Olaf Sporns, Danielle Bassett and Jeremy Freeman

March 5—8, 2017
Eldorado Hotel & Spa, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA


The emerging field of connectomics comprises extensive efforts to map 
patterns of brain connectivity, to represent these patterns with the 
tools of network science, and to explore the relation of brain 
connectivity and dynamics to behavior and cognition. Importantly, these 
efforts span multiple scales of brain organization, from synaptic 
connectivity among individual neurons, to comprehensive maps of 
circuits, neuronal populations, and projections among brain regions. An 
integrative multi-scale framework for mapping, analyzing, and modeling 
connectome data sets is lacking. The proposed Keystone Symposium aims to 
narrow this important gap, by pursuing the following specific aims: (i) 
the symposium will foster scientific exchange among otherwise siloed 
researchers studying connectomes in different organisms at different 
scales with different measurement techniques; (ii) the symposium will 
promote approaches that apply across scales, for example by leveraging 
the tools of network science; (iii) the symposium will emphasize the 
need to move beyond descriptive accounts of connectomes, to model-based 
prediction and control; (iv) the symposium will provide a unique 
opportunity for pre- and postdoctoral trainees to engage with 
connectomics leaders and present their work. Anticipated outcomes 
include: (i) a multi-scale framework for description, prediction, and 
control of connectomes; (ii) innovative computational methods for 
statistical analysis and modeling of connectome data sets; (iii) new 
collaborations among participating researchers and trainees. The 
Symposium will have transformative impact by creating new relationships 
among investigators and by seeding a new integrative research agenda 
centered on the structure and dynamics of brain connectivity.

Olaf Sporns -- @spornslab
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Programs in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405

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