Connectionists: Researcher or engineer positions in theoretical visual neuroscience - ATR Brain Labs, Kyoto, Japan

KAWANABE Motoaki kawanabe at
Mon May 30 00:22:24 EDT 2016

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce that ATR Brain Labs in Kyoto, Japan has open positions 
for researchers or engineers in theoretical visual neuroscience.
I would appreciate if you forward the following message to anyone who might be interested.

Best regards,

Haruo Hosoya, Senior Researcher
Department of Dynamic Brain Imaging
ATR Brain Labs, Cognitive Mechanisms Laboratories
* Researcher and Engineer positions at ATR Brain Labs, Kyoto, Japan
Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), Kyoto, Japan, has open positions for researchers and research engineers in computational visual neuroscience.  We seek for applicants who are particularly interested in theoretical studies on hierarchical vision models based on statistical learning.  The studies should be motivated toward understanding of computation and representation in visual cortex, where a stronger emphasis should be put on biological connections and theoretical insights rather than short-term applicability.  Specific topics may include but are not limited to:
- category-specific representations in higher visual areas
- visual recognition and imagery
- relationship between neural activities and visual consciousness (perception)
* Requirements for Researchers
Applicants must have a Ph.D. or be near completion.  Successful candidates will have expertise in one of the mathematical areas listed below, as well as strong interest in neuroscience and good programming experience.  
– computational neuroscience, machine learning, computer vision
* Requirements for Research Engineers
Applicants must have good programming experience and strong motivations to take part in the research above mainly from program development.
* Number of openings
A few
* Employment conditions
Position : Full-time Researcher / Full-time Research Engineer
Tenure   : Single year based contract, renewable based on evaluation
Treatment: Based on individual performance
Work Location: Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)
2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan
* Application materials
Please submit the following five materials to the contact address below, either in printed or electronic form:
1      CV
2      List of publications
3      Reprints of 1-3 major publications (applicants for Researchers) or summary of past projects
4      Essay (up to two pages in A4 or letter size) describing:
– Summary of your previous research and/or development
– Interests for research
– Additional research skills not directly foreseeable from 1 or 2
5      Recommendation letters from more than two researchers
If submitted in printed form, original documents will not be returned.
* Judging system
After documentary examination, we ask for presentation and interview if needed.
* Starting date
Soon (negotiable)
* Deadline for application
Opens until positions are filled.
* Contact
Department of Dynamic Brain Imaging
ATR Cognitive Mechanisms Laboratories  (Application for Researcher Position)
2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288, Japan
Email: dbi-tvn at <>     at=@
Web: <>
* Use of personal data
All personal data received will be properly managed and only be used for the purpose of recruitment.
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