Connectionists: Posdoc/ PhD position NEURAL REPRESENTATION OF SOCIAL INTENTION (University of Tuebingen, Germany)

Compsens compsens at
Wed Jul 13 06:17:56 EDT 2016

(Hertie Institute / Center for Integrative Neuroscience, University of  
Tuebingen, Germany)

The Section for Computational Sensomotorics at the Center for  
Integrative Neurosciences (CIN) and the Hertie Institute for Clinical  
Brain Research (HIH) at the University of Tuebingen invites  
applications for a Postdoc or a PhD student with a good mathematical  
background for a maximum duration of 3 years.

The position is funded by a grant of the Human Frontiers Science  
Foundation (HFSP) in collaboration with the California
Institute of Technology (CALTECH) and Ohio State University
(OSU). The project will focus on the development of neural and  
deep/machine learning-based theories for the processing of social  
signals and social intention, and their verification by  
psychophysical, and (in collaboration) also electrophysio-
logical and fMRI experiments.

What we offer:
* top scientific environment (HIH in the top 3 European institutions  
for clinical brain research); the CIN is
Excellence Cluster of the German Excellence Initiative;
multiple leading Max Planck Institutes for related topics
in Tuebingen; total > 600 researchers on the Tuebingen
Neuroscience Campus working on many different aspects
of neuroscience)

* close collaborations with leading international partners in neuro-  
and computer science

* possibility of teaching and taking courses at the Graduate Training  
Center for  Neuroscience (> 40 courses in molecular, behavioral  
neuroscience, and neural information processing)

What we are looking for:
* person with Masters (PhD) degree in Computational Neuroscience
or related discipline (Computer Science, Engineering, Physics,
Mathematics, Cognitive Science, Mathematical Psychology, etc.)

* highly-motivated individual with enthusiasm for research; motivation  
and capability  of self-driven pursuit of difficult problems

* strong mathematical background and programming skills (at
least in C or Java); willingness to learn relevant techniques
and software products (e.g. for computer animation, deep
learning, or the simulation of spiking networks)

* interest in social neuroscience, computational vision, and neural  
circuits at the level of single cells

* English speaking and writing skills.

People without ambition in science. who primarily look for a temporary  
job at a German university. are discouraged from applying. Committed  
to Equal Opportunities.

Interested people should send their application, including a CV, all  
marks form studies, 2 letters of reference, and a research statement  
of about one half page (explaining how their skills might support a  
project about the understanding neural basis of the processing of  
social signals and intention) to:

     Prof. Dr. Martin Giese
     Section for Theoretical Sensomotorics
     Dept. for Cognitive Neurology
     Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research &
     Center for Integrative Neuroscience
     University of Tuebingen
     Otfried-Müller Str. 25
     D-72076 Tuebingen
     Tel.: +49 7071 2989124
     Fax:  +49 7071 294790
     Email: martin.giese at

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