Connectionists: Post-doc at Edinburgh

Matthias Hennig m.hennig at
Wed May 13 14:19:34 EDT 2015

Dear all

We have a vacancy for post-doctoral research on machine learning models
applied to neural data. The post is suited to applicants with a machine
learning/computational statistics background and an interest in
biological applications of statistical modelling.

The project is an EPSRC award to develop statistical modelling
methodologies for high density neural multi-electrode arrays (HD-MEAs).
We will use recordings from a 4,096 channel array to get new insights on
the interactions in large populations of neurons. It is led by Guido
Sanguinetti and Matthias Hennig.

Please get in touch with us for further information and informal
inquiries; closing date is 08 June 2015.


Matthias H Hennig

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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