Connectionists: 3 Research Assistants at the Institute of Cognitive Science

Peter König pkoenig at
Thu Mar 12 20:57:41 EDT 2015

The Neurobiopsychology Research Group (Prof. Dr. Peter König) of the 
Institute of Cognitive Science invites applications for

*3 Research Assistants ***

*(Salary level E 13 TV-L, 50 %)*


to be filled as soon as possible for a period of 3 years.

*Description of Responsibilities:*

The positions involve participation in the research activities within 
the European Community funded research project /Socialising 
Sensori-Motor Contingencies./ This project investigates processing 
multimodal information and sensorimotor integration under natural 
conditions and utilizes a variety of methods. They include behavioral 
studies, psychophysical methods, physiological measurements (EEG, MEG, 
TMS), methods of sensory augmentation, mathematical modelling, computer 
simulations and brain-computer interfaces.

*Required Qualifications:*

Applicants are expected to have an excellent academic degree (Master, 
Diploma or PhD), experience in several of the domains listed above, a 
good record in statistical methods including multivariate analyses and 
Bayesian technics, good programming skills as well as a good command of 
the English language.

As a certified family-friendly institution, Osnabrück University is 
committed to furthering the compatibility between work/studies and 
family life.

As an employer, Osnabrück University is particularly concerned with 
creating equality opportunities for women and men. Woman with relevant 
qualifications are therefore strongly encouraged to apply for the 
positions. Preference will be given to women with equal qualifications.

Qualified applicants with disabilities will be favored.

Applications with the usual documentation should be submitted by e-mail 
in a *_single_* PDF-file to Prof. Dr. Peter König 
(pkoenig at <mailto:pkoenig at>) with a cc 
to office at <mailto:office at>no 
later than *March 31, 2015*. Further information can be obtained from 
Prof. Dr. Peter König (pkoenig at

** Prof. Dr. Peter 
König Institute of Cognitive Science University Osnabrück Albrechtstr. 
28 49076 Osnabrück +49 541 969 2399
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