Connectionists: Theory-Experiment postdoctoral position in Paris with Shihab Shamma and Srdjan Ostojic

Srdjan Ostojic srdjan.ostojic at
Sun Apr 12 15:33:14 EDT 2015

A theory-experiment postdoctoral position is available at Ecole Normale 
Superieure in Paris, on a collaborative project between the Shamma and 
Ostojic labs. The aim of the project is to investigate the neural bases 
of auditory discrimination in awake behaving ferrets by combining 
computational modeling, data-analysis and experimental recordings.

The successful applicant will be based at the Group for Neural Theory, a 
highly interactive and dynamic environment situated in central Paris 
(see The Shamma lab 
where the neurophysiological recordings take place is located next door 

The ideal candidate should be a computational neuroscientist with strong 
interest in experimental neuroscience, or the other way round.

Starting dates are flexible. The position is for two years. Candidates 
should send a letter of motivation (2 pages max), the contact 
information of 2 or more referees and their CVs to srdjan.ostojic at *BEFORE April 30th, 2015*.

Srdjan Ostojic
Group for Neural Theory
Ecole Normale Superieure Paris
29, rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris, France

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