Connectionists: Special Issue on Computational Intelligence for Brain Computer Interfaces

Hussein Abbass H.Abbass at
Mon Sep 22 23:49:24 EDT 2014

IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Special Issue on

Computational Intelligence for Brain Computer Interfaces


Guest Editors: Hussein A. Abbass, Cuntai Guan, Kay Chen Tan


With an impact factor of 2.706, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM) is an influential media for publishing high-quality peer-reviewed research. CIM publishes peer-reviewed articles that present emerging novel discoveries, important insights, or tutorial surveys in all areas of computational intelligence design and applications, in keeping with the Field of Interest of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE-CIS). Selection of papers for the magazine is extremely competitive. Previous special issues had an acceptance rate as minimum as 6% of submitted papers.

Aims and Scope:

Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) aims at establishing a one or two-way communication protocol between the human brain and an electronic device. The research umbrella of BCI has different names and overlaps with different research areas that evolved under the wider objective of connecting human data to an electronic device of some sort. Some of these areas include: adaptive automation, augmented cognition, brain-machine interface, human-machine symbiosis, and human-computer symbiosis.

The last decade has witnessed a rise in the number of researchers working on BCI. With the advances of sensor technologies, efficient signal processing algorithms, and parallel computing, it was possible to finally realize the dream of many researchers who talked about the concept in one form or another in the sixties and seventies including J.C.R. Licklider, R.B. Rouse, and others. Different sensor and measurement technologies are evolving rapidly from the classical functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), functional near infrared (fNIR), Electroencephalography (EEG), to complex integrated psycho-physiological sensor arrays.

Researchers in Computational Intelligence have been better situated than ever to extract knowledge from these signals, transform it to actionable decisions, and designing the intelligent machine that has long been promised and is now overdue. Success has been seen in many medical applications including assisting people on wheelchairs, stroke rehabilitation, and epileptic seizures. In the non-medical domain, BCI has been used for computer games, authentication in cyber security, and air traffic control.

This special issue aims at showcasing the most exciting and recent advances in BCI and related topics. The guest editors invite submissions of previously unpublished, recent and exciting research on BCI. The special issue welcomes survey, position, and research papers

Topics of Interest include:

*             Adaptive control schemes for BCI
*             Applications
*             Augmented cognition and adaptive aiding using BCI
*             Big data for brain mining
*             Collaborative multi-humans BCI environments
*             Computational intelligence applications for BCI
*             Data and signal processing techniques for BCI applications
*             Evolutionary algorithms for BCI
*             Fusion of heterogeneous psycho-physiological sensors
*             Fuzzy logic for BCI
*             Neuroplasticity induced by brain-computer interactions
*             Neural networks for BCI
*             Novel sensor technologies for BCI
*             Related computational intelligence methods for BCI
*             Situation awareness systems for BCI applications
*             Swarm techniques for BCI
*             Other closely related topics on computational intelligence for BCI

Submission Process

The maximum length for the manuscript is typically 25 pages in single column format with double-spacing, including figures and references. Authors should specify on the first page of their manuscripts the corresponding author's contact and up to 5 keywords. Submission should be made via

Important Dates (for February 2016 Issue)

15th May, 2015: Submission of Manuscripts
15th July, 2015: Notification of Review Results
15th August, 2015: Submission of Revised Manuscripts
15th September, 2015: Submission of Final Manuscripts
February 2016: Special Issue Publication

Guest Editors

Professor Hussein Abbass
School of Engineering and Information Technology,
University of New South Wales,
Canberra, Northcott Drive, ACT 2600, Australia
Email: h.abbass at<mailto:h.abbass at>

Professor Cuntai Guan
Neural and Biomedical Technology Department,
Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R),
1 Fusionopolis Way, Fusionopolis, Singapore 138632
Email:  ctguan at<mailto:ctguan at>

Professor Kay Chen Tan
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
National University of Singapore,
4 Engineering Drive, Singapore 117583
Email:  eletankc at<mailto:eletankc at>

PO Box 7916, CANBERRA BC 2610, Australia

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