Connectionists: KOGWIS 2014 Call for Papers

Anna Belardinelli belardinelli at
Sun Mar 30 10:51:47 EDT 2014

Please consider to submit your work to the following conference:

================ FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS ================
* KOGWIS 2014 *
* 12th Biannual Conference of the German Society for COGNITIVE SCIENCE *
* 29th of September - 2nd of October 2014 *
* Topical focus: How Language and Behavior Constitute Cognition
* Submission deadline: 7 May 2014 *

* *

KogWis 2014 invites submissions of extended abstracts on current work in cognitive science. Generally *all topics related to cognitive science* are welcome. 
Contributions that address the focus of this meeting, that is, language and behavior and the construction of cognition due to language and behavior are particularly encouraged. 
Submissions will be sorted by topic and paradigms and will be independently reviewed. Notifications of acceptance will depend on the novelty of the research, the significance of the results, and the presentation of the work. 

Submission and Proceedings:
KogWis calls for submissions in extended abstract format. Abstracts for oral presentations should not exceed 4 pages, abstracts for poster contributions should not exceed 2 pages, including pictures and references.

All accepted contributions will be published in the form of a *Supplement KogWis 2014* in the journal *Cognitive Processing* (Springer Verlag).


Confirmed plenary speakers: 

* Prof. Dr. Harold Bekkering
* Prof. Dr. Henrik Ehrsson
* Prof. Dr. Karl Friston
* Prof. Dr. Wayne Gray
* Prof. Dr. Gregor Schöner
* Prof. Dr. Natalie Sebanz

Confirmed symposia:

* Processing Language in Context: Insights from Empirical Approaches
Organizers: Christian Brauner , Bettina Rolke, & Gerhard Jäger (University of Tübingen)

* Manual action
Organizer: Dirk Koester (Bielefeld University)

* How language and number representation contribute to numerical cognition
Organizer: Hans-Christoph Nuerk (University of Tübingen)

* Eye tracking, linking hypotheses and measures in language processing
Organizers: Pia Knoeferle and Michele Burigo (Bielefeld University)

* Cognition of human actions: From individual actions to interactions
Organizer: Stephan de la Rosa (MPI, Tübingen)

* Cortical Systems of Object Grasping and Manipulation
Organizer: Marc Himmelbach (University of Tübingen)

* Modelling of cognitive aspects of mobile interaction
Organizers: Nele Russwinkel, Sabine Prezenski, & Stefan Lindner (TU Berlin)

* Predictive processing: philosophical and neuroscientific perspectives
Organizer: Alex Morgan (University of Tübingen)

* PhD Symposium
Organizers: Dong-Seon Chang, Zhen Peng, Stefan Kopp, Marco Ragni, and Kai Vogeley (MPI Tübingen, Bielefeld University, University of Freiburg, & University Hospital Cologne)

* History of Cognitive Science
Organizers: Stefan Kopp and Kai Vogeley (Bielefeld University and University Hospital Cologne)

****** PRIZES AND AWARDS******

* CCS - Best Student Paper Award, sponsored by the Cognitive Science Society (plus 1 year Membership)
* SMI - Best Poster Award, sponsored by SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI,
* Brain Products - Best Paper Award, sponsored by BRAIN PRODUCTS
The Organizing Committee:
General chair: Martin V. Butz
Local organizers: Anna Belardinelli, Elisabeth Hein and Jan Kneissler

Anna Belardinelli, 

Cognitive Modeling,
Department of Computer Science
University of Tübingen

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