Connectionists: [CFP] uLearnBio-ICML 2014: Workshop on Unsupervised Learning from Bioacoustic Big Data

Herve Glotin h.glotin at
Wed Feb 12 16:34:56 EST 2014

[Please forward to whom it may concern]

We are pleased to inform you that paper submission is now open for our ICML
2014 workshop uLearnBio: "Unsupervised Learning from Bioacoustic Big
Data"<>organized within ICML - on
21-26 june, 2014 in Beijing, China

We kindly invite interested people to submit their papers before the
deadline for paper submission (21 march 2014).

Two technical challenges are open in the framework of the workshop and we
kindly invite interested people to participate. Submission of
keynote/results for the technical challenge are possible up to 30 may 2014.

We would appreciate if you forward this call to whom it may concern.
Best Regards

Faicel Chamroukhi, Associate Professor
Information Sciences and Systems Laboratory (LSIS)- UMR 7296 CNRS
Southern University of Toulon-Var - France
faicel.chamroukhi at

Herve'   Glotin,   Pr.
Institut Univ. de France (IUF) & Univ. Toulon (UTLN)
Head of information DYNamics & Integration (DYNI @ UMR CNRS LSIS)        glotin at
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