Connectionists: [COSYNE2014] Meeting program available online

Tomas Hromadka tomas.hromadka at
Wed Feb 12 17:22:33 EST 2014


        Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne)

        MAIN MEETING               WORKSHOPS
        Feb 27 - Mar 2, 2014       Mar 3 - Mar 4, 2014
        Salt Lake City, Utah       Snowbird Ski Resort, Utah




The main meeting program and workshops program are now available online


Online registration is currently open.
Hotel booking is currently open.
For more detailed information, please visit


    Anne Churchland (CSHL)
    Rui Costa (Champalimaud)
    Joshua Gold (U Pennsylvania)
    Hopi Hoekstra (Harvard University)
    Thomas Jessell (Columbia)
    John Krakauer (Johns Hopkins)
    Jeffrey Magee (Janelia Farm)
    Thomas Mrsic-Flogel (Universitat Basel)
    Yael Niv (Princeton)
    Elad Schneidman (Weizmann Institute)
    Doris Tsao (Caltech)
    Nachum Ulanovsky (Weizmann Institute)


The annual Cosyne meeting provides an inclusive forum for the exchange
of empirical and theoretical approaches to problems in systems
neuroscience, in order to understand how neural systems function.

The MAIN MEETING is single-track. A set of invited talks are selected by
the Executive Committee, and additional talks and posters are selected
by the Program Committee, based on submitted abstracts. The WORKSHOPS
feature in-depth discussion of current topics of interest, in a small
group setting.

Cosyne topics include but are not limited to: neural coding, natural
scene statistics, dendritic computation, neural basis of persistent
activity, nonlinear receptive field mapping, representations of time and
sequence, reward systems, decision-making, synaptic plasticity, map
formation and plasticity, population coding, attention, and computation
with spiking networks.


    Computational Psychiatry (2 days). Organizers: Quentin Huys, Tiago Maia
    Information Sampling in Behavioral Optimization (2 days).
Organizers: Bruno Averbeck, Robert C. Wilson, Matthew R. Nassar
    Rogue States: Altered Dynamics of Neural Circuit Activity in Brain
Disorders. Organizers: Cian O'Donnell, Terrence Sejnowski
    Scalable Models for High-Dimensional Neural Data. Organizers: Il
Memming Park, Evan Archer, Jonathan Pillow
    Homeostasis and Self-Regulation of Developing Circuits: From Single
Neurons to Networks. Organizers: Julijana Gjorgjieva, Matthias Hennig
    Theories of Mammalian Perception: Open and Closed Loop Modes of
Brain-World Interactions. Organizers: Ehud Ahissar, Eldad Assa
    Noise Correlations in the Cortex: Quantification, Origins, and
Functional Significance. Organizers: Jozsef Fiser, Mate Lengyel, Alex Pouget
    Excitatory and Inhibitory Synaptic Conductances: Functional Roles
and Inference Methods. Organizers: Milad Lankarany, Taro Toyoizumi
    Discovering Structure in Neural Data. Organizers: Eric Jonas, Scott
Linderman, Ryan Adams, Konrad Koerding
    Thalamocortical Network Mechanisms for Cortical Functioning.
Organizers: Murray Sherman, W. Martin Usrey
    Canonical Circuits, Canonical Computations. Organizers: Anita
Disney, Krishnan Padmanabhan
    From the Actome to the Ethome: Systems Neuroscience of Behavioral
Ecology. Organizers: Aldo Faisal, Constantin Rothkopf
    Sequence Generation and Timing Signals in Neural Circuits.
Organizers: Kanaka Rajan, Christopher D Harvey, David W Tank
    Multisensory Computations in the Cortex. Organizers: Joseph Makin,
Philip Sabes

    General Chairs: Marlene Cohen (U Pittsburgh) and Peter Latham (UCL)
    Program Chairs: Michael Long (NYU) and Stephanie Palmer (U Chicago)
    Workshop Chairs: Robert Froemke (NYU) and Tatyana Sharpee (Salk)
    Publicity Chair: Eugenia Chiappe (Champalimaud)

    Anne Churchland (CSHL)
    Zachary Mainen (Champalimaud)
    Alexandre Pouget (U Geneva)
    Anthony Zador (CSHL)

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