Connectionists: Second Call for Papers: AISTATS 2014, Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

Yoshikatsu Hayashi y.hayashi at
Mon Sep 30 17:28:35 EDT 2013

Yoshikatsu Hayashi (PhD)

Lecturer in Cybernetical Physics

Affiliation: Brain Embodiment Lab, School of Systems Engineering,
University of Reading
Address: PO Box 225, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AY, UK
Tel: +44-118-378-5024
E-mail: y.hayashi at

On 2013/09/29 20:32, "Peltonen Jaakko" <jaakko.peltonen at> wrote:

>AISTATS 2014 Call for Papers
>Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
>April 22 - 25, 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland
>Colocated with a MLSS Machine Learning Summer School
>AISTATS is an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the
>of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning,
>and related areas. Since its inception in 1985, the primary goal of
>has been to broaden research in these fields by promoting the exchange of
>ideas among them. We encourage the submission of all papers which are in
>keeping with this objective at
>Keynote Speakers:
>Peter Buhlmann, ETH Zurich
>Talk title TBA
>Andrew Gelman, Columbia University
>Talk title: Weakly Informative Priors: When a little information can do a
>of regularizing
>Michael I. Jordan, University of California, Berkeley
>Talk title: On the Computational and Statistical Interface and "Big Data"
>Tutorial Speakers:
>Roderick Murray-Smith, University of Glasgow
>Talk title TBA
>Christian P. Robert, Ceremade - Universite Paris-Dauphine
>Talk title: Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), methodology and
>Havard Rue, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
>Talk title: Bayesian computing with INLA
>Paper Submission:
>Proceedings track: This is the standard AISTATS paper submission track.
>will be selected via a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. All
>papers will be presented at the Conference as contributed talks or as
>and will be published in the Proceedings. A selected set of papers will be
>designated as "notable papers" which will be clearly distinguished in the
>Highlight talks track: We will include talks on recent high-impact work on
>AISTATS themes. This is an opportunity to raise discussion and get
>exposure to already published work, in particular in journals. The talks
>be selected based on one-page abstracts and the existing papers, and they
>not lead to a paper in the Proceedings.
>Late-breaking posters track: Some time at the conference will be set
>aside for
>"breaking news" posters having a one-page abstract. These are reports on
>ongoing or unpublished projects, projects already published elsewhere,
>partially developed ideas, negative results etc, and are meant as informal
>forums to encourage discussion. The review process of the late-breaking
>posters will be very light-touch and presentation at the Conference will
>lead to publication in the Proceedings.
>Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:
>* Models and estimation: graphical models, causality, Gaussian processes,
>  approximate inference, kernel methods, nonparametric models,
>statistical and
>  computational learning theory, manifolds and embedding, sparsity and
>  compressed sensing, ...
>* Classification, regression, density estimation, unsupervised and
>  semi-supervised learning, clustering, topic models, ...
>* Structured prediction, relational learning, logic and probability
>* Reinforcement learning, planning, control
>* Game theory, no-regret learning, multi-agent systems
>* Algorithms and architectures for high-performance computation in AI and
>  statistics
>* Software for and applications of AI and statistics
>For a more detailed list of keywords, see
>Submission Requirements for Proceedings Track:
>Electronic submission of papers is required. Papers may be up to 8
>double-column pages in length, excluding references. Authors may
>submit also supplementary material. Formatting and submission information
>available at
>All accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings in the Journal of
>Machine Learning Research Workshop and Conference Proceedings series.
>for talks and posters will be treated equally in publication.
>Submission Deadlines:
>Submissions will be considered if they are received by the following
>Proceedings track paper submissions:  1 November, 2013, 23:59 UTC
>Highlight talk abstract submissions: 24 January, 2014, 23:59 UTC
>Late-breaking poster abstract submissions: 24 January, 2014, 23:59 UTC
>See the conference website for additional important dates:
>Colocated Events:
>A Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) will be held after the conference
>(April 25th-May 4th). April 25 will be an AISTATS/MLSS joint tutorial +
>poster session day. The summer school features an exciting program with
>from leading experts in the field, see for
>AISTATS 2014 will be held in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, in Grand
>Reykjavik. Reykjavik and its environs offer a unique mix of culture and
>nature, from glaciers to waterfalls to geysers and thermal pools. This is
>unique opportunity to spend an AISTATS afternoon break at a geothermal
>beach, the famous Blue Lagoon.
>Reykjavik is easily reachable by several airlines; travel information
>will be
>available on
>Program Chairs:
>Samuel Kaski, Aalto University and University of Helsinki
>Jukka Corander, University of Helsinki
>Local Chair: Deon Garrett,  School of Computer Science, Reykjavik
>and Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines
>Senior Program Committee:
>Edoardo Airoldi, Harvard University
>Cedric Archambeau, Amazon
>Peter Auer, University of Leoben
>Yoshua Bengio, Universite de Montreal
>Carlo Berzuini, University of Manchester
>Jeff A. Bilmes, University of Washington
>Wray Buntine, NICTA
>Lawrence Carin, Duke University
>Guido Consonni, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
>Koby Crammer, The Technion
>Emily B. Fox, University of Washington
>Aapo Hyvarinen, University of Helsinki
>Timo Koski, KTH
>Jan Peters, Technische Universitat Darmstadt
>Volker Roth, Universitat Basel
>Scott Sisson, University of New South Wales
>Suvrit Sra, Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
>Masashi Sugiyama, Tokyo Institute of Technology
>Joe Suzuki, Osaka University
>Bill Triggs, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique
>Jean-Philippe Vert, Mines ParisTech and Curie Institute
>Stephen Walker, University of Texas at Austin
>Kun Zhang, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
>To be completed.
>The European meetings of AISTATS are organized by the European Society for
>Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.
>============== for more information see

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