Connectionists: PhD-Position available at the Bernstein Center Freiburg - "Structural and molecular dynamics of epileptogenesis" (Experimental Epilepsy Lab - Prof. Dr. Carola Haas)

Janina Kirsch kirsch at
Mon Jan 21 05:51:09 EST 2013

We are inviting application for a

"Structural and molecular dynamics of epileptogenesis"
Experimental Epilepsy Lab - Prof. Dr. Carola Haas

Our goal is to understand the interplay between molecular, cellular and
functional determinants leading to focal epilepsies in the mammalian brain.
Our main tools are in vivo and in vitro animal models where we apply
morphological, biochemical, molecular and electrophysiological techniques to
address questions regarding epileptogenesis in the hippocampus and
neocortex. In collaboration with physiologists and physicists, we seek to
understand how the fine-tuned neuronal network of the brain becomes
unbalanced and epileptic. 

We are a young group of researchers from medicine and biology and invite
applications to join the lab for a 3-4 year PhD-Project, and to enter the
PhD-Program "iCoNeT" at the Bernstein Center Freiburg. The project is
financed by a fellowship of the DAAD.

The successful applicant has some prior training in experimental
neurophysiology or molecular biology. Experience with neuronal cell culture
and confocal microscopy would be a plus. Good knowledge of the English
language, high motivation for independent work, but also ability to work in
a an international team are mandatory.

The Bernstein Center Freiburg concentrates research in Computational
Neuroscience and Neurotechnology at the University of Freiburg, Germany. The
projects are highly interdisciplinary and span from mathematical-theoretical
approaches on the function and dynamics of neuronal networks over
neuroanatomy and experimentally driven neurophysiology up to the development
of technologies for medical application. 

Application deadline: March 31, 2013

Further details on how to apply:

and about the PhD-Program "iCoNeT"
Dr. Janina Kirsch
Teaching & Training Coordinator
Hansastr. 9a
79104 Freiburg, Germany
kirsch at	

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