Connectionists: Open PhD position

Lewis Chuang lewis.chuang at
Thu Apr 25 12:48:00 EDT 2013

Max Planck Society PhD Studentship (International)

Project Title: How is visual attention influenced by closed-loop control?
Supervisor: Dr. Lewis Chuang & Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bülthoff
Institute: Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Application Deadline: Open until filled

Project Description: The goal of this project is to identify the limitations of visual attention during steering control tasks. Planned experiments will investigate how changes in the joint control characteristics (e.g., time delays, disturbances) of the human operator and machine impact the operator's ability to detect peripheral visual targets. The student will have the opportunity to perform non-invasive electrophysiological measurements (i.e., ECG, EEG) and eyetracking, as well as have access to high-fidelity driving/flight simulators. The student will research aspects of the visual system and identification of closed-loop man-machine systems. The successful applicant will be working in a multi-disciplinary team of psychologists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, physicists and aerospace engineers. Affiliated projects and external collaborators include myCopter ( The student will be supervised by Dr. Lewis Chuang and Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bülthoff.

The studentship is expected to begin in August 2013.

About the Institute: The MPI for Biological Cybernetics is a member of Max Planck Society. It strives to investigate and formally describe behavioral processes by employing methods from various disciplines (e.g., neuroscience, psychology, systems engineering). It is located in Tübingen, which hosts the DFG Cluster of Excellence for Integrative Neuroscience. It enjoys strong collaborations with partners such as the University of Tübingen, the Bernstein Centre for Computational Neuroscience and the Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience.

Eligibility: Applicants should hold an accredited Master’s Degree in the natural or engineering sciences. Relevant disciplines include (but are not restricted to): Cognitive Science, Psychology, Computer Science, Physics and Engineering. This studentship is open to international applicants. Some programming skills are necessary. Previous experience in the visual sciences, psychophysiological methods, and signal processing are highly desired.

Salary and duration: The monthly stipend will be for 1365 Euros net, with additional coverage for health insurance. There are no obligatory teaching duties.

How to apply: To apply for this studentship please submit an application by email to Dr. Lewis Chuang. Your application should include a covering letter, a brief statement of research interest, a resume of relevant education and experience, the contact details of two referees, academic transcripts and the expected date of availability

Further Enquiries: Please contact: Dr. Lewis Chuang
lewis.chuang at

MPI for Biological Cybernetics
Spemannstraße 41,
72076, Tuebingen
Tel: +49-(0)7071-601-608
Fax: +49-(0)7071-601-611
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