Connectionists: UAI 2012 last Call For Papers - deadline March 30th

Kevin Murphy murphyk at
Fri Mar 23 21:02:36 EDT 2012

Reminder: the UAI paper submission deadline is March 30th.
Details on paper submission can be found here:

Kevin Murphy and Nando de Freitas

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Kevin Murphy <murphyk at> wrote:
> UAI (the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence) is the
> premier conference on issues relating to representation,
> inference, learning and decision making in the presence of uncertainty.
> The 28th UAI conference will be located in Catalina Island (near Los
> Angeles), United States, on August 15-17, 2012. On August 14, before
> the main conference, there will be tutorials. On August 18, after the
> main conference, there will be workshops.
> We are currently soliciting papers which describe novel methodology,
> or non-trivial applications of existing methodology, related to
> modeling, inference, learning and decision making under
> uncertainty. The best way to get a sense for what kinds of papers are
> appropriate is to look at past UAIs (available online here:
> Authors of papers
> that win best paper awards will be invited to submit their papers to
> the Artificial Intelligence Journal, with special "fast track" status.
> Papers are due on 30 March, 2011.  The reviewing process is
> double-blind.  Authors will be notified of acceptance on June 1st.
> For detailed formatting instructions, please refer to
> All accepted papers will be presented at the Conference either as
> contributed talks or as posters, and will be published in the
> Conference Proceedings (although authors may choose to designate their
> paper as "not for publication" if they wish to avoid conflicts with
> future journal publications).  We hope that this mechanism will
> encourage authors from fields outside of computer science to submit
> relevant work to UAI.
> Papers that have already been published in a refereed venue, including
> conferences and journals, may not be submitted. Papers that are
> currently under review may be submitted, but only if you choose the
> "not for publication" option. Submissions should be significant
> extensions of prior published work. Papers that are deemed too similar
> to past work will be rejected on grounds of lack of sufficient
> novelty.
> Programme Chairs:
> Nando de Freitas, University of British Columbia
> Kevin Murphy, University of British Columbia / Google Research
> General Chair: Fabio Cozman, Universidade de Sao Paulo
> Local Arrangements Chair: David Heckerman, Microsoft Research
> Senior Program Committee: TBD

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