Connectionists: Position for scientific software engineer at INRIA - France

Axel Hutt axel.hutt at
Fri Feb 17 06:24:58 EST 2012

Software engineer in computational neuroscience at INRIA in Nancy, France

A full-time scientific software engineer position is available in the INRIA-team CORTEX
on programming of a visualization tool for spatio-temporal neural dynamics. The simulated  
dynamics reflects neural signals observed in general anaesthesia and obeys stochastic 
integral-differential equations involving delays.
The projects objective is the publication of an open-source software package involving 
a GUI to simulate the neural activity. Preferably the software will be developed in a combination
of C/C++ and python, but this choice is not mandatory.

The position will start spring/summer 2012 and is financed for two years by the ERC Starting Grant MATHANA. 

The optimal candidate holds a degree in computational science, theoretical physics or applied mathematics 
 with focus on mathematical programming, dynamical systems or computational neuroscience. 

Please send electronically applications including a CV to Axel Hutt (axel.hutt at


Axel Hutt 
INRIA CR Nancy - Grand Est 
615, rue du Jardin Botanique
54603 Villers-les-Nancy Cedex

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