Connectionists: Tenure-track faculty position at University of Cambridge

Máté Lengyel m.lengyel at
Fri Dec 21 10:30:30 EST 2012

Tenure-track faculty position in 
Computational Neuroscience / Computational Cognitive Science
Department  of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK

The Computational and Biological Learning Lab ( combines expertise in computational neuroscience and cognitive science (Daniel Wolpert, Mate Lengyel, Rich Turner) and machine learning (Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Rasmussen).  We expect to have an opening (to be advertised in February 2013) for a junior level tenure-track faculty position in the broad area of Computational Neuroscience, including Computational Cognitive Science. The successful applicant’s research will use computational / theoretical approaches or combine these approaches with behavioral experiments. 

Informal enquiries are welcome to:

Daniel Wolpert wolpert at
Mate Lengyel m.lengyel at
Rich Turner richard.e.turner at

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