Connectionists: Predictions from NeuroElectroDynamics (NED)

Dorian Aur dorianaur at
Mon Oct 24 12:18:56 EDT 2011

Every  reliable theory  has to generate experimentally testable predictions.
Unfortunately, even necessarily postdictive  explanations are misleading or
missing in temporal coding models. Therefore, in addition to previous
“concept cells” topic  other new
simple explanations from NED regarding phantom limb, mirror neurons and
sparse coding are posted at:
The longevity of temporal coding  idea does not make it correct (e.g. 60
years of temporal coding).   Hebb was trained as a psychologist and he was
unaware of early development of computational theory. The celebrated topic
of firing and wiring together *describes a dynamic  process of interaction
between neurons *(see NED) rather than hard wired "connectivity" in the
brain  or  temporal coding. In addition, the NED model presents a new type
of computation which always occurs within neurons during action potential
generation The
propagation of action potentials is the result of computing by interaction
within the cell that selectively determines a specific synaptic transmission
and local propagation of information. .  The
temporal coding models attempt to approximate only ‘weak’ interactions
between neurons while ‘strong’ interactions within cells have always been
neglected or superficially modeled.

 We can now predict that this type of computation developed within cells
defines the fundamental phenomenon required to build more powerful,
non-Turing computing machines. This new model can change computing forever,
“even if most computer scientists don’t know it yet’’.

Any comments, questions, corrections and suggestions are welcomed at:

Dorian Aur, PhD
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